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Arbitration World

Our global team of International Arbitration lawyers brings you our Arbitration World podcast series, including conversations on significant developments and important topics impacting international arbitration. Be sure to also view our corresponding e-magazine, Arbitration World, and our international arbitration alerts here.

Arbitration World is part of the HUB Talks podcast which covers critical issues at the intersection of business and law.

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16 December 2024
Arbitration World: The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation

Peter Morton (London) is joined by Paul Jebely, the Founder and Chairperson of the Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (HCAA), to discuss the origin and aims of the HCAA and some of the key features of arbitration under the HCAA Arbitration Rules

12 November 2024
Arbitration World: International Arbitration in the Baltic States–Part 1

The first episode in our two-part Baltic States series, Ian Meredith is joined by speakers from Ellex Valiunas - Vilija Vaitkute Pavan, Dr. Tadas Varapnickas, and Simona Budreikaitė - who offer an overview of international arbitration in and involving parties across the Baltic States, with a focus on Lithuania.

12 November 2024
Arbitration World: International Arbitration in the Baltic States–Part 2

In episode two of our Baltic States series, Ian Meredith is joined by speakers from Ellex Valiunas - Vilija Vaitkute Pavan, Dr. Tadas Varapnickas, and Simona Budreikaitė - to discuss the topical and investment related issues of international arbitration within the Baltic States.

15 October 2024
Arbitration World: Interstate Arbitration with Dr. Stephen Minas–Part 2

In the second episode of our Interstate Arbitration series, Ian Meredith continues the conversation with Dr. Stephen Minas. In this episode we will dive into some specific aspects of interstate arbitration.

15 October 2024
Arbitration World: Interstate Arbitration with Dr. Stephen Minas–Part 1

In this first episode of our Interstate Arbitration series, Ian Meredith talks with Dr. Stephen Minas of Peking University Transnational Law School, to introduce the general ins and outs of interstate (or State vs State) arbitration and how it differs from other forms of arbitration, the basis for jurisdiction in interstate arbitration, and its potential role in resolving major international disputes.

3 July 2024
Arbitration World: The Road to Net Zero and the Implications for the World of International Arbitration–Part 1

In this introduction episode to our miniseries, London Commercial Disputes associate Emma Lidström, with guest speaker Wendy Miles KC, discuss the path to net zero while also exploring the general trends in the international arbitration world, and it's relation to the energy transition.

14 November 2023
Arbitration in Asia Mini-Series: The Shanghai Outlook

As part of a mini-series exploring arbitration in Asia, Ian Meredith (K&L Gates, London) speaks with Dr. Mingchao Fan, the Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Arbitration Commission.

11 September 2023
Arbitration World: A Spelling Error in Vienna

In this episode, Declan Gallivan (Senior Disputes Associate in London) speaks with Florian Haugeneder (Partner and Co-Chair of the Arbitration Practice of the Austrian law firm KNOETZL) to discuss a simple spelling mistake which ultimately led to an important arbitration-related judgment of the Austrian Supreme Court.

28 November 2022
Arbitration World: Introduction to Claim Financing Mini-Series: Bringing Claim Funding to a Successful Conclusion (Part 1 of 2)

In the part one of our mini-series on third party claim funding, Ian Meredith speaks with Andrew Roberts (Head of Construction and Energy, Augusta Ventures) regarding a number of the key issues related to what may happen at the end of a claim.

28 November 2022
Arbitration World: Introduction to Claim Financing Mini-Series: Bringing Claim Funding to a Successful Conclusion (Part 2 of 2)

In part two in our mini-series on third party claim funding, Ian Meredith speaks with Andrew Roberts (Head of Construction and Energy, Augusta Ventures) regarding a number of the key issues related to what may happen at the end of a claim.

6 October 2022
Arbitration World: Virtual Collaboration Tools and Their e-Discovery Implications in Arbitration and Litigation

Join London Commercial Disputes partner Martin King and Seattle partner Julie Anne Halter—practice group coordinator for K&L Gates’ e-Discovery Analysis and Technology group (e-DAT)—as they discuss virtual collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams and the e-Discovery challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls these tools may present in the context of arbitration and litigation.

25 July 2022
Arbitration World: Introduction to Claim Funding Mini-Series: Key Issues In Third Party Funding – Part Two

In this second episode in a mini-series on claim funding, Ian Meredith speaks with John Garda (Managing Director of Longford Capital LLC) regarding a number of the key issues related to third party funding of claims, from a funder’s perspective, including some of the more ‘thorny’ issues.

18 July 2022
Arbitration World: Introduction to Claim Funding Mini-Series: Relevant Considerations When Applying for Funding – Part One

In this first episode in a mini-series on third party claim funding, Ian Meredith speaks with Tim Mayer (Senior Investment Officer, Therium Capital Management Ltd) regarding the process of applying for funding of claims, relevant factors in the assessment of cases presented for funding, and ways to recover the costs of funding.

26 May 2022
Arbitration World: U.S. Cases and International Arbitration — International Arbitration Clauses in Insurance Policies: Are They Valid in States With Anti-Arbitration Insurance Statutes?

In this episode, partners Chris Valente and Jackie Celender, along with associates Michael Creta and Peter Ayers, discuss the impact that state anti-arbitration insurance statutes have on the enforceability of international arbitration clauses found in insurance policies.

23 May 2022
Arbitration World: U.S. Supreme Court to Address Prejudice Requirements For Waiver of Arbitration Agreements

In this episode, partners Jackie Celender and Lindsay Sampson Bishop, along with associate John Gavin, discuss the oral argument recently heard by the US Supreme Court in Morgan v. Sundance dealing with the question of whether parties to arbitration agreements can be found to have waived their right to compel arbitration only where the other party is prejudiced in some way.

29 April 2022
Arbitration World: U.S. Cases and International Arbitration — U.S. Supreme Court Set to Decide Section 1782 Circuit Split

In this episode, partners Lindsay Bishop, Carolyn Branthoover, and Jackie Celender, along with associate John Gavin, discuss the recent oral argument heard by the Supreme Court concerning a circuit split over two consolidated cases dealing with the scope of discovery available through US courts in assistance to foreign arbitrations.

24 March 2022
Arbitration World: Discussing Expert Evidence in International Arbitration with Professor Doug Jones AO

In this podcast, partner Ian Meredith and associate Louise Bond discuss with Professor Doug Jones his thoughts on different ways to more efficiently and effectively deal with expert evidence in international arbitration.

10 February 2022
Arbitration World: Practical Implications of Recent English Decisions on the Governing Law of an Agreement to Arbitrate

Peter Morton and Tim Fox of K&L Gates discuss the practical implications of recent English case law on the question of which law will govern agreements to arbitrate, including for those drafting an arbitration clause in a cross-border contract.

21 January 2022
Pandemic-Related Investor-State Dispute Settlement - Part Three of a Three-Part Series

In this final part of this three-part series podcast, partners Raja Bose, Ian Meredith, Matt Weldon, and associates Robert Houston and Hena Sial discuss potential pandemic-related claims and concerns a Host State may have related to measures implemented, such as social distancing regulations, the closure of borders, export and travel restrictions, measures having the effect of suspending certain contractual rights, and requisitioning or nationalizing private property.

9 December 2021
Pandemic-Related Investor-State Dispute Settlement - Part Two of a Three-Part Series

In the second part of this three-part series podcast, partners Raja Bose, Ian Meredith, and Matt Weldon, along with associate Robert Houston, discuss the scope for, and how investors might be able to recognize, potential claims in Investor-State arbitration arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, our panel will touch on how a pandemic-related claim may look in the travel and tourism context, as well as international trade context.

2 December 2021
Pandemic-Related Investor-State Dispute Settlement - Part One of a Three-Part Series

In the introductory episode of this three-part series, partners Raja Bose, Ian Meredith, and Matt Weldon, along with associates Ed Brown-Humes and Rob Houston, provide an overview of Investor-State arbitration in the context of investment disputes arising from government measures taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

12 October 2021
Arbitration World: Fact Witness Evidence in International Arbitration: Is Change on the Horizon?

Our presenters discuss the issues raised by the ICC Task Force report into fact witness evidence amid the concerns over the reliability of human memory and offer some constructive thoughts on ways to improve the taking of fact witness evidence. 

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