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Cameron Abbott
G. Norman Acker III
Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid
Meg Aitken
Nazanin Aleyaseen
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Joel D. Almquist
Sheila A. Armstrong
Christine Artus
Allen R. Bachman
Mary Burke Baker
Kane Barnett
Jennifer E. Bartos
David A. Bartz
Jake Bernstein
Gina L. Bertolini
Corey Bieber
Gregory N. Blase
Marisa N. Bocci
Raja Bose
April Boyer
Travis L. Brannon
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Nicholas Brown
Samuel Brown
Julie Brown
Mélanie Bruneau
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J. Timothy Hobbs
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A. Lee Hogewood III
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Robert L. Houston
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Gabriel M. Huey
Tucker A. Idol
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Dawn M. Lamparello
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Talia Le Couteur Scott
Sang-yul Lee
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Kim Harvey Looney
Ferry Eden Lopez
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Tad J. Macfarlan
Alan S. Maclean
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Ian Meredith
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Michaela Moloney
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Dr. Annette Mutschler-Siebert, M. Jur. (Oxon)
Ali U. Nardali
Christopher L. Nasson
Phoebe Naylor
Scott C. Nelson
Nils Neumann, LL.M.
Marian Ngo
Dr. Thomas Nietsch
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Beliz Ozturk
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R. Gregory Parker
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Luke Paterson
Jeffrey S. Patterson
Michael A. Pavlick
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Michael H. Phillips
Gregory Pieris
Roberto Podda
Mackenzie M. Powers
Martha G. Pugh
Rob Pulham
Laurie B. Purpuro
David J. Raphael
Sam Rappensberg
John ReVeal
Jason L. Richey
Alex Rickarby
Keri E. Riemer
David L. Rieser
Erinn L. Rigney
Judith Rinearson
Julie F. Rizzo
Jamie Robinson
Cliff L. Rothenstein
Mark Ruge
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Andrew D. Ruskin
Madeleine Ryan
David C. Rybicki
Eugene C. Ryu
Yuki Sako
Claudine Salameh
Lauren Sandground
Brandy A. Sargent
Brian F. Saulnier
Rebecca M. Schaefer
Ronie M. Schmelz
Gabriel T. Scott
Andrew Scully
Eric W. Sedlak
William D. Semins
Anna Shabalov
Robert L. Sichel
Catherine C. Smith
Brian J. Smith
Matthew E. Smith
Robert M. Smith
Adam G. Smith
Hilary Soileau
Robert W. Sparkes, III
Kevin P. Stichter
Michael J. Stortz
John M. Sylvester
Endre M. Szalay
Peter A. Talevich
Lucas J. Tanglen
Adam J. Tejeda
Jennifer H. Thiem
Elizabeth Thomas
Courtney B. Thomas
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Ryan M. Tosi
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Leann M. Walsh
Tim Webster
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Andrew Wheeldon
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Megan A. Wotherspoon
Andrew M. Wright
Tom Young
Industries & Sectors
Artificial Intelligence
Consumer Products
Digital Assets, Blockchain Technology, and Cryptocurrencies
Digital Health
Energy Disputes
Financial Services
Fine Art and Cultural Property
Food and Beverage
Fund Formation
General Manufacturing
Investment Transactions
Luxury Products and Fashion
Manufacturing Technologies
Metals Manufacturing and Fabrications
Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, and Medical Devices
Power Generation and Transmission
Private Equity
Specialty Chemicals
Telecommunication and Mobile
Transportation (Manufacturing)
Transportation and Logistics
Transportation Finance
Transportation Infrastructure
Global Ethical Supply Chain
Areas of Focus
340B Program and Pharmacy
Administrative Law
American Indian Law
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Antitrust, Competition, and Trade Regulation
Appellate Litigation
Asset Management and Investment Funds
Benefits and ESOPs
Capital Markets
Class Action Litigation Defense
Collective Labor and Works Councils
Commercial Disputes
Commercial Ownership, Leasing, and Management
Construction and Infrastructure
Construction and Infrastructure Dispute Resolution
Construction and Infrastructure Project Funding
Consumer Product Safety
Contract Workers
Corporate and Acquisition Finance
Corporate Governance
Cybersecurity Risk and Response
Data and Privacy Transactions
Data Protection, Privacy Cross-Border, and Industry Advice
Data Protection, Privacy, and Security
Derivatives and Commodities
E-Discovery Analysis and Technology (e-DAT)
Emerging Contaminants
Emerging Growth and Venture Capital
Employment Disputes
Employment Investigations
Employment Issues in Business Transactions
Energy Finance
Energy Storage and Distributed Resources
Energy, Infrastructure, and Resources
Environment, Land, and Natural Resources
ESG - Sustainable Investing
ESG and Sustainability
Estate Planning and Trusts & Estates
Exchange-Traded Products
Executive Compensation
Federal, State, and Local False Claims Act
Financial Institutions and Services Litigation
Financial Services Policy
Fintech Lending
Food, Drugs, Medical Devices, and Cosmetics (FDA)
Global Employer Solutions
Global Financial Services Regulation
Global Location Strategies
Government and Public Procurement
Government Contracts and Procurement Policy
Healthcare and FDA
Healthcare Employment
Healthcare Fraud and Abuse (U.S.)
Healthcare Payor-Provider Disputes (U.S.)
Healthcare Transactions
Hedge Funds
Hospitals and Health Systems
Human Resource Advice and Compliance
Insurance Recovery and Counseling
Intellectual Property
Internal Investigations
International Arbitration
International Trade: CFIUS, Sanctions, and Export Controls
Investment Advisers
Investment Funds
Investor-State Arbitration
IP Litigation
IP Procurement and Portfolio Management
Labor, Employment, and Workplace Safety
Land Use, Planning, and Zoning
Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Mass Tort
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mining and Metals
OFCCP and Affirmative Action Compliance
Offshore Construction
Offshore Wind Energy
Oil and Gas
Payments, Banking Regulation, and Consumer Financial Services
Pharma and BioPharma Litigation
Policy and Regulatory
Post-Grant Patents
Private Equity Funds
Private Equity Transactions
Product Liability
Public Finance
Public Policy and Law
Real Estate
Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions
Real Estate Development and Construction
Real Estate Finance
Restructuring and Insolvency
Securities and Transactional Litigation
Securities Arbitration
Securities Compliance and Reporting
Securities Enforcement / Financial Regulatory Enforcement
Technology Transactions and Sourcing
U.S. National Security Law and Policy
US Political Law
US Registered Investment Companies
Wage and Hour
Water and Wastewater
White Collar Defense and Investigations
Workplace Safety
Middle East
South America
United States
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America