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11th Annual Cutting-Edge Issues in Condemnation, hosted by The Seminar Group

Date: 29 October 2021
Time: 12:00 PM ET
Location: Seattle

Following the challenges of COVID-19 Washington State and the USA is ready to get back to work. With major public infrastructure projects being proposed at all levels of government, it is imperative as ever to keep pace with the changing environment of real estate. In one of the fastest growing regions in the United States and with the focus on funding infrastructure improvements at the federal level, this seminar is a must. We will provide an overview and update of eminent domain legal issues and land valuation, with emphasis on emerging issues and recent court decisions.

This program is designed for anyone involved in eminent domain — whether as a lawyer, appraiser, government official, or owner. You will hear from leading lawyers and appraisers with extensive practical experience in eminent domain

The Seminar Group

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