K&L Gates Triage: Protecting Patient Information in Bankruptcy Cases
In this episode, Margaret Westbrook discusses privacy issues that may affect healthcare providers when filing proofs of claim in the bankruptcy court. Given the potential for public access of these records, it is important that filing entities be aware of disclosure requirements under both the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and the federal rules of bankruptcy procedure. This episode will discuss these privacy requirements in greater detail and suggest certain best practices to ensure information is properly redacted to limit the risks of identity theft for individuals and potential damages for filing entities in breach of privacy rules.
About Triage
Triage: Rapid Legal Lessons for Busy Healthcare Professionals has been created by K&L Gates to convey information about developments in health law through short podcasts.
If you work in the healthcare industry, you have grown accustomed to frequent changes in laws and regulations. On some days, it may seem like an insurmountable task to keep up with every change, especially as a new presidential administration and new policies take shape.
The K&L Gates Healthcare Practice will regularly create Triage podcasts to help you learn about the latest developments in health law. Our lawyers will identify the most important changes and analyze the impact of these changes on our clients.