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K&L Gates Triage: 340B Update: CMS Issues Guidance for Avoiding Duplicate Discounts in Medicaid

A HUB Talks Podcast

Date: 30 January 2020

In this episode, Macy Flinchum and Victoria Hamscho discuss recent developments in the 340B Drug Pricing Program, including recent guidance by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on best practices for states to avoid duplicate discounts in Medicaid Fee-for-Service and Medicaid Managed Care Organization programs. The guidance largely lays out existing duplicate discount prevention strategies. However, it contains some recommendations that could greatly impact covered entities, such as using state plan amendments to limit the ability of some or all covered entities and/or contract pharmacies to use 340B drugs for Medicaid beneficiaries. As states implement these strategies, operational and compliance challenges may arise for covered entities, particularly for those that are filling prescriptions for Medicaid beneficiaries in multiple states with potentially differing requirements for identifying duplicate discounts. Presenters: Macy Flinchum, Victoria Hamscho

About Triage
Triage: Rapid Legal Lessons for Busy Health Care Professionals is a podcast created by the K&L Gates health care practice group to inform our clients and friends of the firm about the latest developments in health law. The K&L Gates Health Care practice will regularly create Triage podcasts to help you learn about the latest developments in health law. Our lawyers will identify the most important changes and analyze the impact of these changes on our clients. If you have feedback or would like to suggest a topic for a future episode, please contact us.

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