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COVID-19: 340B Update - Hospitals Request Eligibility Flexibilities Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

A HUB Talks Podcast

Date: 9 April 2020

In this episode, Richard Church and Victoria Hamscho discuss recent developments in the 340B Drug Pricing Program, including recent COVID-19 guidance by the Health Resources and Services Administration and hospital requests for additional flexibilities to help them respond to the pandemic, particularly as it relates to eligibility requirements under the 340B Program.

About Triage
Triage: Rapid Legal Lessons for Busy Health Care Professionals is a podcast created by the K&L Gates health care practice group to inform our clients and friends of the firm about the latest developments in health law. The K&L Gates Health Care practice will regularly create Triage podcasts to help you learn about the latest developments in health law. Our lawyers will identify the most important changes and analyze the impact of these changes on our clients. If you have feedback or would like to suggest a topic for a future episode, please contact us.

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