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Oda Elmoutaouakil

Oda Elmoutaouakil is counsel at the firm’s Frankfurt office. She is a member of the firm’s Finance practice and the Restructuring and Insolvency Practice Group. She advises national and international clients on complex restructuring transactions prior to and in insolvency situations. She also advises on all issues of German insolvency law and in on distressed M&A transactions. She has broad experience with all sorts of finance instruments. 

Oda Elmoutaouakil joined K&L Gates in April 2024. Prior to joining the firm, she was counsel at two other global law firms, including a Magic Circle law firm, for a period of more than 15 years, where she focused her practice on financial restructuring and insolvency law, as well as finance transactions.

  • Specialized attorney course in tax law, 2003
  • “Die überschuldungsvermeidende Rangrücktrittsvereinbarung: Ein dauerhafter Schuldänderungsvertrag zugunsten der Gläubigergesamtheit” (“The subordination agreement to avoid over-indebtedness: A permanent debt modification agreement in favor of the creditor community”), in: Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW), issue 03/2015, p. 207 ssq., together with Joachim Ponseck
  • “Unwirksamkeit insolvenzbedingter Lösungsklauseln - Vorrang der lex fori concursus nach Art. 4 II 2 lit. e EuInsVO?” (”Invalidity of insolvency-related release clauses - priority of the lex fori concursus according to Art. 4 II 2 lit. e EuInsVO?“); in: NJW 2012, p.3069 ssq., together with Reinhard Dammann
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