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Supreme Court Decides Two Significant False Claims Act Cases: A Review of Polansky and SuperValu, Hosted by Federal Bar Association

Date: 21 September 2023
Time: 8:00 AM ET
Location: The Peabody Memphis: 149 Union Ave, Memphis, Tennessee 38103

The Memphis Mid-South Chapter will host the FBA 2023 Annual Meeting & Convention in Memphis, TN.

  • Concurrent CLE sessions will feature a variety of legal topics that peak the interest of attorneys in a focused practice area, or want to expand their knowledge in other specialties;
  • Celebrate the accomplishments of FBA members during three awards luncheons and welcome the FY24 National President on Saturday evening at the Installation Banquet; and
  • Embrace the what’s unique about the local city during evening receptions at the Peabody Hotel and Rock N Soul Museum.
  • Federal Bar Association 
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