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Corporate Practice of Medicine: New Relevance in a Changing World

Date: 10 April 2024

In this two-part Triage series, Gina Bertolini, Stephen Page, and Sarah Staples-Carlton discuss an old healthcare regulatory doctrine that has new relevance in a post-COVID world, where the delivery of care via telemedicine and other remote models has become heavily adopted: Corporate Practice of Medicine, or CPOM. As more and more healthcare companies look for innovative ways to deliver healthcare, it can be easy for seasoned healthcare professionals and newcomers alike to discount or dismiss CPOM.

While on its face it is a straightforward prohibition, it is important to understand the doctrine’s underlying philosophy and to appreciate its complexity, particularly how it varies from state to state. This is especially true where telehealth has become an established method for the delivery of care, and many new companies are entering the healthcare space. As healthcare entities, health IT solutions providers, and other companies seek to deliver care in one or more states, there are many healthcare regulatory considerations to consider, but CPOM should be at the top of the list.

In part one of this series, Gina Bertolini, Stephen Page, and Sarah Staples-Carlton offer a brief primer on CPOM, answer some practical questions about its impact, and elaborate on its present-day relevance for healthcare providers and other companies.

Gina L. Bertolini
Gina L. Bertolini
Research Triangle Park
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