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UK Trainee Solicitor

We welcome applications from both law and non-law students who are seeking to commence their training in August 2027.

We seek candidates who have an impressive academic record with, ideally, 128 UCAS points and a predicted or achieved 2:1 degree (or the relevant academic equivalent).

We offer up to eight periods of recognised training each year but retain the majority of new qualifiers at the end of their periods of recognised training. As competition for a period of recognised training is intense, those sections of our application form that focus on your drive, initiative, and achievements are of particular importance.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an assessment centre at our offices. During that day you will also have the opportunity to meet with existing trainees. Following this, you may be invited back for a final stage interview.

Our online application process will be open from 1 November 2024 and closes on 31 July 2025.

Application Timeline

We are currently inviting applications from law and non-law students for a period of recognised training commencing in August 2027. Please see key dates below:

Period of Recognised Training - 2027
Submit Application 1 November 2024 - 31 July 2025
Attend Assessment Day August and September 2025
Decision Made September 2025
Start with K&L Gates August 2027

You may apply via our online application form or you can request a paper application form

Please find below answers to some frequently asked questions in relation to our:


When is your next trainee intake?
We are currently recruiting trainees to commence with us in August 2027.

Do you have any places left to commence in 2026?
There are no places left in 2026.

Who can apply?
We welcome applications from both law and non-law students. We also welcome applications from other relevant postgraduates.

Do you consider mature age applicants?
Yes, we encourage applicants of all ages.

Do you accept applications from candidates who need a work permit?
Yes, we do accept applications from candidates who need a work permit and should your application be successful, we will arrange the work permit for you. However, your offer will be conditional upon us being able to gain approval from the UK Border Agency for your work permit.

When should I apply?
2027 Intake - The application process will be open on 1 November 2024. Apply via our website.

How do I apply?
Applications should be submitted via our website ( We use cvMail ( as our supplier, so if you are already registered with them you will not need to re-input all your personal details. You can also request a paper application form from

What grades do I need?
You will need to have achieved or be predicting a 2:1 degree and have 128 UCAS points or the relevant academic equivalent.

Do you accept General Studies A-Level?
We do not accept a General Studies A-Level as part of the 128 UCAS point requirement, but all other subjects are accepted.

Will my application be considered if I do not have a 2:1 degree and 128 UCAS points?
If there are mitigating circumstances and documented reasons (i.e. illness backed up by medical certificates) please refer to this in your application. In such circumstances we will take account of these factors when considering your application. 

What form will the recruitment process take?
Successful applicants will be invited to attend one of our assessment days where you will take part in a group exercise, a swift analysis test, critical reasoning test and a written test. If successful you will be invited back in for an interview and individual exercise—the final part of the process.

When will interviews take place?
Students will be assessed in August 2025.

How soon after the interview will I know the outcome?
We advise you of the outcome as soon as possible, generally within seven to ten days.

How many trainees do you recruit each year?
We usually recruit up to six trainees.

If I am not successful in obtaining an interview when will I know?
Unsuccessful candidates will be advised following the application closing date of 31 July 2025—generally we let you know by the end of September 2025.

Do you consider non-law students for Period of Recognised Training?
Yes. On average, approximately 40% of our trainees have not studied law as a degree.

Can I apply for a Period of Recognised Training if I do not fall into either category of penultimate year student or final year student?
Yes.  We welcome applications from those who have decided to apply for a Period of Recognised Training later than usual.

Do I need to apply separately for the Legal Work Placement and a Period of Recognised Training?
Yes you will need to submit two separate online applications, however, will store your personal and academic profile so your second application will be quicker to complete.

Is non-law work experience relevant to my application?
Yes. All work experience is of relevance and should be included in your application.

Are trainees given regular feedback on their performance?
Yes. You will be appraised every three months during your Period of Recognised Training, giving you plenty of opportunity to gain feedback and raise any issues. You will also be allocated a mentor throughout your contract.

Is there any opportunity for involvement with pro bono or community work?
Yes. The majority of trainees become involved in the firm's Pro Bono
initiatives and work as volunteers at the Battersea Legal Aid Advice Centre.

How many trainees are retained after qualification?
We like to invest a great deal in recruiting and training our trainees because we hope they will develop a long and successful career with us. Therefore, we always prefer to retain our trainees. 

What training and career opportunities are available after qualification?
We have a formal career development and mentoring scheme.

Do you involve trainees in business development?
You are positively encouraged to be involved in some of the many marketing and business development events we hold throughout the year to develop client relationships.

Will I have the opportunity to train as a solicitor advocate?
Those qualifying into Dispute Resolution are encouraged to take Higher Rights.

How much choice do I have as to which seats I do?
We aim to give you as much choice as possible, however, trainees will have seats within core areas such as corporate, dispute resolution and real estate.

Do you sponsor the SQE?

Yes, we sponsor the SQE. 

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We welcome your email, but please understand that if you are not already a client of K&L Gates LLP, we cannot represent you until we confirm that doing so would not create a conflict of interest and is otherwise consistent with the policies of our firm. Accordingly, please do not include any confidential information until we verify that the firm is in a position to represent you and our engagement is confirmed in a letter. Prior to that time, there is no assurance that information you send us will be maintained as confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

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