Recruiting Contacts
Are you ready to learn more about K&L Gates? Contact the appropriate legal recruiting manager below.
Geographic Recruiting Contacts
Firmwide |
Partners |
US Associates Flannery Clair Senior Manager, Associate Recruiting +1.843.579.3415 |
Asia Associates Flora Chiang Director of Human Resources - Asia +852.2230.3530 |
Australia Associates Tania Brierley Recruitment Consultant +61.3.9640.4214 |
Europe and Middle East Associates Hayley Atherton Senior Manager, Legal Recruiting +44.(0)20.7648.9000 |
Practice Recruiting Contacts
Asset Management and Investment Funds |
Corporate |
Energy, Infrastructure, and Resources Norman Chen Principal Recruiter +1.312.558.5043 |
Finance Marley McLaughlin Principal Recruiter +1.206.370.5786 |
Intellectual Property Norman Chen Principal Recruiter +1.312.558.5043 |
Labor, Employment, and Workplace Safety Je Myung Principal Recruiter +1.206.370.5824 |
Litigation and Dispute Resolution Je Myung Principal Recruiter +1.206.370.5824 |
Real Estate Marley McLaughlin Principal Recruiter +1.206.370.5786 |
Policy and Regulatory Katherine Ketter Principal Recruiter +1.615.514.1809 |