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M Rajaram
Cameron Abbott
Leonie Abendroth, LL.M.
Zaid Abu-Shattal
David M. Aceto
G. Norman Acker III
Stacy G. Ackermann
Jeffrey W. Acre
Catherine Adam
Jennifer S. Addis
Goody Agahi
Torie S. Ainsztein
Meg Aitken
Farah Al-Nabulsi
Susanne Albrecht-Roggenstroh, Dipl.-Kffr.
Clifford J. Alexander
Jim Alexander
Nazanin Aleyaseen
Scott Aliferis
Rosemary Alito
Suzanne B. Allaire
Thomas G. Allen
Nicholle E. Allen-Steele
John D. Allison
David R. Allman
Joel D. Almquist
Kevin L. Alonso
Diane E. Ambler
Mark C. Amorosi
Anna Amprimo
Chiara Anceschi
Michael P. Anderson
Curt Anderson
H. Thomas Anderton
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Claude-Étienne Armingaud
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Kailey W. Ashton
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Ronald T. Aulbach
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Hutton Baker
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Hugh F. Bangasser
George P. Barbatsuly
Stefano Bardella
J. Stephen Barge
Molly K. Barker
Marvis A. Barnes
Kane Barnett
Robert M. Barrett
Jonathan M. Barron
Dr. Angelika Bartholomäi
David A. Bartz
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David A. Bateman
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Marion Baumann
Giles Bavister
Devon C. Beane
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Dr. Georg Bernsau
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Lindsay Sampson Bishop
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Maggie D. Blair
John E. Blair, Jr.
Gregory N. Blase
John C. Blessington
Raphael Bloch
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Greyson S Blue
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Samuel R. Boden
Dr. Jan Boeing
Nathaniel B. Bolin
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C. Grainger Bowman
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David C. Boyer
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Travis L. Brannon
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Corben R. Brooks
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Samuel Brown
Julie Brown
Lauren A. Brown
James S. Bruce
Jenna Bruce
Dr. Friederike Gräfin von Brühl, M.A.
Mélanie Bruneau
Dr. Christian Büche
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Sasha Burstein
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Randy J. Clark
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Ernie L. Cochran II
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J. Walker Coleman IV
J. Barclay Collins
Gail H. Conenello
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Darrell L. Conner
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Ed Dartley
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Geoffrey Delamarre
Ruth E. Delaney
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Michael DeMarco
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Kaitlyn DeYoung
Joanna A. Diakos Kordalis
Lance C. Dial
Karrie Johnson Diaz
Matthew S. Dicke
George D. Dickos
Carlotta Dionisi
Jack R. Dodson, III
Richard A. Dollimore
Lauren Norris Donahue
Thomas A. Donovan
Brittany M. Doolittle
Alexis Crawford Douglas
Rachelle Downie
Michael F. Doyle
Hazel Doyle
Jason C. Dreibelbis
Chloe Duan
Victoria S. Duarte
Jon-Luc Dupuy
Brett A. Durham
Joshua L. Durham
James Durnall
J. Ryan Dwyer, III
David S. Easwaran
Jonathan N. Edel
David A. Edgar
Ryan W. Edmondson
David H. Ehrenwerth
Cecilia R. Ehresman
John N. Elgar
Daniel M. Eliades
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Dr. Ulrike Elteste
Jason A. Engel
Amanda G. Erlandson
Jack M. Erskine, Jr
Burak Eryigit
Leah J. Eubanks
Michael W. Evans
Maria C. Faconti
James E. Fajkowski
Rong Fan
Jeremy Farr
Daniel N. Fasanello
Daniel G. Fayock
Mark D. Feczko
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Andrew J. Feucht, III
David E. Fialkow
Mark S. Filipini
David R. Fine
Christopher S. Finnerty
Todd S. Fishman
Alanna Fitzpatrick
Dominic Fleeton
Meghan E. Flinn
Dr. Daniel Flore
Lauren M. Flynn
Erin L. Fogarty
Isabella C. Forcino
Sally Foreman
David L. Forney
Victoria Forson
Kimberly B. Frank
Craig D. Fraser
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Rebecca Moll Freed
Bart J. Freedman
Eric E. Freedman
Shannan L. Frisbie
Nicholas I. Froio
Jacqueline Fu
Stacy L. Fuller
Veronica J. Fulton
Finch Fulton
Leon Fung
Timothy J. Furdyna
David A. Fusco
Bart Gabler
Andrew Gaffney
Vincent J. Galluzzo
Ashley E. Gammell
John R. Gardner
Lauren McFadden Garenne
Jeffrey R. Gargano
Pamela J. Garvie
Trevor M. Gates
Volker Gattringer
John L. Gavin
Michael J. Gearin
Scott J. Gelbman
Robert H. George
Shane Geraghty
Randall Gerkens
Travis N. Gery
Ragae Ghabrial
C. Todd Gibson
Ayesha Gill
Valeria Giorgetti
Rick Giovannelli
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Alden D. Glass
Daniel M. Glassman
Peter A. Gleason
Cordelia A. Glenn Grabiak
Patrick Glück
Katarzyna M. Goebel
Matthew B. Goeller
James G. Goettsch
Dr. Julia Goetz
Francisco Gomez Olmedo
Alejandra D. Gonzalez
Christina N. Goodrich
Michael J. Gorback
Bart Gordon
Stacey Gorman
Mark P. Goshko
Christopher L. Graff
Brian Graham
Scott C. Graham
Julian S. Grant
Richard Gray
Oded Green
James Green
Daniel B. Greenaway
Kevin Greene
Amy J. Greer
Geoffrey J. Greeves
Robert J. Grey
Thibaut Gribelin
Eiko L. Grieger
Tony Griffiths
Amy L. Groff
Ryan J. Groshong
Pamela A. Grossetti
Dr. Matthias Grund, LL.M.
Max Gu
Philip M. Guess
Ayman Guirguis
Kevin R. Gustafson
Mark E. Haddad
John M. Hagan
Reine Haidar
Sana Hakim
Julie Anne Halter
Erik J. Halverson
Victoria K. Hamscho
Paul F. Hancock
Kerstin Hanke
Stephanie Hanna
Paul Hardman
Richard A. Hardwick
Stephen Hardy
Michael Culhane Harper
Michael Harris
Michael A. Hart
Barry J. Hart
Barry M. Hartman
Dr. Wilhelm Hartung
Paul R. Haswell
Rory P. Hatch
Melissa M. Haulcomb
S. Cooper Hawley
Alicia M. Hawley
Jason N. Haycock
Brian Healey
M. Claire Healy
Michael A. Hedge
Rhys W. Hefta
Bruce J. Heiman
Abigail P. Hemnes
Jonathan P. Hersey
Adam P. Heyd
Robert J. Higdon Jr.
Sean R. Higgins
Steven F. Hill
Michael H. Hinckle
Clifford C. Histed
William Z. Ho
Jesher Ho
J. Timothy Hobbs
Jennifer Hock
Brent D. Hockaday
Nicholas S. Hodge
Dr. Michael Hofmann, LL.M.
A. Lee Hogewood III
Shawn Hogue
Christine DeMaere Hoke
Ben Holland
Katherine L. Hollingsworth
Tre A. Holloway
William H. Holmes
Kenneth Holston
Thomas F. Holt, Jr.
Robert T. Honeywell
Amy J. Horn
Takahiro Hoshino
Robert L. Houston
Betsy-Ann Howe
Nathan C. Howe
Richard Hsu
Yiqing Huang
Nolan R. Hubbard
Gabriel M. Huey
Nathan A. Huff
Dr. Christian Hullmann
Dr. Rüdiger von Hülst
Dorothy Hung
Alisha Hung
Megan E. Hunt
Courtney J. Hunter
Alexander E. Hurt
Adam G. Husik
Amjad Hussain
Michael H. Hutson
Stacey A. Hyman
Hidehiko Ichikawa
Tucker A. Idol
Amy H. Ironmonger
Cheryl L. Isaac
Kentaro Isogai
Emaan R. Jaberi
Pam K. Jacobson
James Jago
Ami R. Jani
Hannah Jankiewicz
Ravi Jayemanne
Kelsey U. Jernigan
Xue Jiang
Jian Jiang-Hernandez, Ph.D.
Christine A. Jochim
Jeffrey C. Johnson
France Beard Johnson
Mary Beth F. Johnston
Sean M. Jones
Alexandra Jones
Anu L. Jose
Dr. Isabel Kainer-Pfuhl, LL.M.
Peter J. Kalis
Dooyong Kang
Jessica S. Kang
Donald A. Kaplan
Shoshannah D. Katz
Naoki Kawada
Takahiro Kawaguchi
Kenneth A. Kecskes
Ryan Q. Keech
Derek W. Kelley
Adam F. Kelson
Clare Kempkens
Mary Scott Kennedy
Richard F. Kerr
Mira Khalaf
Ahmad Khalis
Simon Kiburg
Donald W. Kiel
Ben Kiernan-Green
Su Yun Kiew
Henry Kim
Mincheol Kim
Jeffrey S. King
Jeffrey C. King
Martin King
Michael F. King
Matthew A. King
Reilly King
Harry Kingsley
Remsen Kinne
William A. Kirk
Jason L. Kirk
Nicholas J. Kitko
David G. Klaber
Boris Kläsener
Jennifer L. Klass
Howard D. Kleiman
Morgan C. Kleinhandler
Mark G. Knedeisen
Daniel Knight
Brian K. Knox
Gary J. Kocher
J.D. Koesters
Samuel J. Kolehmainen
Alexander Kollmorgen
George K. Kontakis
Anastassia A. Korin
Theodore L. Kornobis
Charlotte Kouo
Milos Kovacevic
Steven M. Kowal
Hannah R. Koyfman
Curtis B. Krasik
Dr. Michael Kreft
Jeffrey T. Kucera
David K. Kuo
Pearl Kuo
Anna E. L'Hommedieu
Anthony P. La Rocco
Stefanie M. Lacy
Joseph F. Lagrotteria
Dorothy M. Laguzza
Rebecca H. Laird
Paul Lalich
Alexander Lalor
Dawn M. Lamparello
Murray Landis
Laurie G. Lang
Dr. Thomas Lappe
Kari L. Larson
Amy Lau
Marguerite W. Laurent
Lisa Lautier
Niall J. Lavery
Tracy L. Lawless
Jonathan Lawrence
John H. Lawrence
Dat T. Le
William J. LeDoux
Cecilia Lee
Sang-yul Lee
Ryan A. Lee
Jason Lee
Jay Lee
Craig E. Leen
Brenna K. Legaard
Matthew H. Leggett
David J. Lehman
Nicholas F. Lenning
Justin N. Leonelli
Mark R. Leslie
Simon Leslie
Jocelyn Leung
Adam Levine
Janet Li
Tyler K. Lichter
Joan Lim-Casanova
Torsten Limberg
David C. Lindsay
William Liu
Zidong Liu
Dr. Hilger von Livonius
Benay H. Lizarazu
Andrew R. Lloyd
Michelle Lloyd
Geoffrey W. Locher
Charles Lockwood
Weston C. Loegering
Christopher P. Lokken
James Lonie
Kim Harvey Looney
Ferry Eden Lopez
Douglas M. Love
K.E. Love
Avril G. Love
David Lu
Michael B. Lubic
Carol C. Lumpkin
Carrie Yijia Luo
David G. Luther, Jr.
Mattias Luukkonen
Michael J. Lynch
Alexandra O. Lynn
Russell Lyons
Tad J. Macfarlan
Alan S. Maclean
Patrick M. Madden
John D. Magnin
Dr. Nicolas Mähner
Dennis A. Majewski
Christian Major
Elsa Mak
Jeffrey B. Maletta
Charles I. Malone
Pablo J. Man
J. Matthew Mangan
Christoph Mank
John W. Mann
John M. Marmora
Daniel Marschollek
Jennifer P.M. Marsh
Michael E. Martinez
Andrew J. Massey
Elisa Massimetti
Robert S. Matlin
Benjamin A. Mayer
Jennifer Mazawey
Marcellin N. Mbwa-Mboma
Nicola McCaffrey
Keith J. McCarthy
Whitney E. McCollum
Kevin T. McCormick
Jennifer McCosker
Stephen R. McCrae, Jr.
Michelle R. McCreery
Jerry S. McDevitt
Jianne D. McDonald
David C. McDonald
Brendan Gutierrez McDonnell
Patrick J. McElhinny
Noirin M. McFadden
David F. McGonigle
Julia A. McGowan
Michael D. McKay
Terrence M. McKelvey
Kevin A. McKibbin
Jeremy M. McLaughlin
D. Mark McMillan
Ndenisarya Meekins
Cary J. Meer
Sam Megally
Arturo Meglio
Vishal Mehta
Robert E. Melson, Jr.
Scott M. Mendel
Andreas Menge
Ian Meredith
Michael W. Meredith
Manuel Merling
Thomas F. Meyer
Neil Miller
Avery R. Miller
Matt Miller
Aaron E. Millstein
Robert B. Mitchell
Jared D. Mobley
Leila Moddel
Simon Moen
Alyssa A. Moir
Charmaine Mok
Michaela Moloney
Kyosuke Momoi
Brian S. Montag
Adam Moore
Jessica L. Moran
Molly K. Moran
Philip J. Morgan
Daisuke Morinaga
Aaron J. Morrow
Peter R. Morton
Jonathan B. Morton
Dylan G. Moses
Mitchell J. Moximchalk
Nicole C. Mueller
Andreas Müller
Susan Munro
Veronica Muratori
Michael R. Murphy
Laurén Shuttleworth Murray
Falco A. Muscante II
Dr. Annette Mutschler-Siebert, M. Jur. (Oxon)
William N. Myhre
Jennifer Janeira Nagle
B. David Naidu
Ali U. Nardali
Luca Nardello
Christopher L. Nasson
Rosie Naylor
Jason R. Nelms
Scott C. Nelson
Esther Neo
Courtney A. Neufeld
William H. Neukom
Nils Neumann, LL.M.
Caitlin Fahey Nevin
Marian Ngo
Duc T. Nguyen
Nick Nichola
Morgan T. Nickerson
Lucas Nicolet-Serra
Dr. Thomas Nietsch
Chris Nikou
Margaret A. Niles
Anthony R.G. Nolan
Meraj Noor
John W. Northington Jr.
Matthew J. Norton
Robert L. Norton
Gerald A. Novack
Brian J. Novak, Ph.D.
Justin O'Callaghan
Maureen O'Dea Brill
Peter O'Hare
Hillary Pellerin O'Rourke
Linda C. Odom
Cindy Ohlenforst
Yuki Okada
Tsuguhito Omagari
Jaime Oon
Jason Opperman
Jeffrey Orenstein
Leib Orlanski
Dr. Martina Ortner
David R. Osipovich
Harrison Ottaway
Beliz Ozturk
Richard F. Paciaroni
Karishma Shah Page
Clair E. Pagnano
Stephen L. Palmer
Prudence Pang
Alissa Altongy Parisi
Sarah Park
Kathleen D. Parker
Clayton E. Parker
R. Gregory Parker
Vijesh Parmar
Malory M. Pascarella
Adam M. Paschalidis
Anil Patel
Jennifer Paterson
Luke Paterson
Devan R. Patrick
Lauren Patten
Jeffrey S. Patterson
Christina M. Paul
Michael A. Pavlick
Jessica C. Pearlman
Tim L. Peckinpaugh
Emanuel Penklis
Richard L. Pensinger
Damely T. Perez
Nikolaos Peristerakis
Philip Perrotta
Scott D. Peterman
Virginia W. Peters
Brian T. Peterson
Alan H. Peterson
Jane E. Petoskey
Leslie Petro
Beth W. Petronio
Matthew F. Phillips
Naomi Philp
Stephanie Wright Pickett
Gregory Pieris
Jessica A. Pingleton
Paweł Piotrowski
Dr. Gabriella Piras
Jeffrey K. Pititto
Roberto Podda
Henry M. Pogorzelski
Simon Poh
Erin Palmer Polly
Mark D. Pomfret
Mackenzie M. Powers
Dr. Patricia Prelinger
Barrett W. Price
Laura Price
Martha G. Pugh
Rob Pulham
Andrew B. Pullman
Charles H. Purcell
Laurie B. Purpuro
Gary S. Qualls
Charles J. Queenan, Jr.
Stanley V. Ragalevsky
Brittany Raia
Natalie E. Rainer
Nadja Raiß
Nicholas Ramage
David J. Raphael
Lilly Reichwein
Richard W. Resch
Marla Tun Reschly
John ReVeal
Adriana Reyes
Patrick D. Richards
Pierce Richardson
Jason L. Richey
Alex Rickarby
Sarah V. Riddell
Dr. Philipp Riedl
Keri E. Riemer
David L. Rieser
Georgina Rigg
Erinn L. Rigney
Judith Rinearson
Aylissa M. Ritterhoff
Julie F. Rizzo
Stacey E. Roberts
Mark W. Roberts
John Rodney
Patrick J. Rogers
Daniela M. Rojas
Dr. Anja Rösch
Collin A. Rose
Alexander Rospert
Henry G. Ross
Aaron S. Rothman
John W. Rotunno
Chris Round
Emanuel L. Rouvelas
Charles H. Royce
Travis J. Royer
Benjamin I. Rubinstein
Michael E. Ruck
Dr. Ramona Ruf
Mark Ruge
Paolo Rusconi
Mark A. Rush
Nick Ruskin
Andrew D. Ruskin
Mohammad Rwashdeh
Thomas C. Ryan
David C. Rybicki
Charles F. Rysavy
Eugene C. Ryu
Zachary L. Sager
Dominik Sailer
Yuki Sako
Robert Salame
Claudine Salameh
Giampaolo Salsi
Vittorio Salvadori di Wiesenhoff
Felisa E. Sanchez
Lena Sandberg
Edward P. Sangster
Francesco G. Sanna
Gary M. Sapir
Rikki A. Sapolich-Krol
Oscar Saporito
Brandy A. Sargent
Brian F. Saulnier
Eric Save
Michael F. Scanlon
Alan Schacter
Dr. Franz Schaefer, LL.M.
Rebecca M. Schaefer
Agnese Schinelli
Ronie M. Schmelz
Rainer Schmitt
Lori L. Schneider
Klaus Schubert
Dr. Daniel Schumann
Christian A. Schütz
James Schütze, LL.M.
Christiane Schweizer
Paul W. Schwendeman
Gabriel T. Scott
Jordan Seah
Eric W. Sedlak
James R. Segerdahl
Karsten Seidel
William D. Semins
Rania Seoud
Slade Sevier
Anna Shabalov
Anderson M. Shackelford
Eklavya M. Sharma
G. William Shaw
Fei Shen
Randa I. Shiblaq
Goro Shimazaki
James A. Shimota
Henry Shin
Yujing Shu
Steven L. Shur
Robert L. Sichel
Robert S. Silverblatt
Zachary B. Singerman
Andy Skouvakis
Jeroen Smets
Sebastian M. Smith
Neil T. Smith
Donald W. Smith
Catherine C. Smith
Thomas J. Smith
Whitney J. Smith
Alex Smith
P. Wayne Smith
Brian J. Smith
Matthew E. Smith
Robert M. Smith
Adam G. Smith
Amanda Smith
Jenny B. Sneed
W. H. Snyder
Jan Sommer, LL.M.
Todd R. Southwell
Robert J. Sovesky
Brian E. Spang
Steven C. Sparling
Dr. Andrea Spellerberg
Katherine L. Staba
Douglas Stanford
Dr. Andrew Stanka
Robert D. Starin
Kathryn M. Starshak
Emily K. Steele
Sandra Steele
Sofia Stefani
Yoanna Stefanova
Jane M. Steffens
Andrea M. Steiner
Derek K. Stevens
Virginia Leggett Stevenson
Kevin P. Stichter
Olivia Stitz
Harold Storey
Michael J. Stortz
Elle Stuart
Tara C. Sullivan
Brogan T. Sullivan
Landon O. Sullivan
George C. Summerfield
Claire H. Suni
John E. Susoreny
Jonathan H. Sutcliffe
Derek A. Sutton
Christopher S. Swallow
Paul W. Sweeney, Jr.
John M. Sylvester
Endre M. Szalay
Kevin R. Szu-Tu
Aaron P. Taishoff
Peter A. Talevich
Virginia Tam
Becki Tam
Robert M. Tammero, Jr
Christopher Tan
Ying Chern Tan
David K.Y. Tang
Lucas J. Tanglen
Clare Tanner
William B. Tate
Lindsey N. Taulbee
Kristin E. Taylor
Natalie Taylor
Melissa J. Tea
Adam J. Tejeda
Andrea W. Templeton
Kelly A. Terribile
Paul Tetlow
Christopher G. Thel
Jennifer H. Thiem
Dr. Frank Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Courtney B. Thomas
Jamie M. Thompson
Anne Thümmel-Barz
Elizabeth L. Tiblets
Chiara Toccagni
Ankur K. Tohan
Christina Tohme
Marius Toime
Stephen G. Topetzes
Loly Garcia Tor
Hayley Trahan-Liptak
Joseph B. Trahern
Jacob S. Trevick
Craig S. Trueblood
Joseph P.Y. Tseng
Vincent S. Tso
Christopher Tung
Philipp Turnwald
Sarah Turpin
Madisyn M. Uekawa
Tahnee Upton
Luke W. Vaghela
Christopher J. Valente
Sonya Van de Graaff
Philip S. Van Der Weele
Neal S. Van Vynckt
Jonathan M. Vance
Kari L. Vander Stoep
Nicholas P. Vari
Artoush Varshosaz
Bruno Vascellari
Marc J. Veilleux
Laura K. Veith
Caitlin M. Velasco
Christopher M. Verdini
Philip Vickery
Pierluigi Vingolo
Stephen L. Vinson
Clara M. Virden
Mathieu Volckrick
Frank Voon
Dr. Thorsten Vormann
Christopher J. Voss
Nobuki Wada
William P. Wade
David E. Wagner
Pallavi Mehta Wahi
William L. Waldman
Matthew R. M. Walker
James A. Wall
Tom R. Wallace
Bryan L. Walpole, III
Leann M. Walsh
Albert Wang
Henry Wang
Xiaotong Wang
Nicole Ward
Thomas A. Warns
Tony Watson
Matthew J. Watts
Scott E. Waxman
Tim Webster
Cynthia M. Weed
Rodica Wegele
Eva Marie Weiler
Steven R. Weinstein
Edward V. Weisgerber
Elizabeth J. Weiskopf
Mitchell B. Weiss
David Weitman
Joseph F. Welborn, III
Matthew J. Weldon
Lara Wengenmayr
Margaret R. Westbrook
R. Timothy Weston
Brett O. White
Elizabeth H. White
Jessica C. White
Rob White
Chris Wille
Lucy Williams
Brent E. Williams
Madeleine R. Williams
John S. Wilson
Craig P. Wilson
Phoebe S. Winder
John F. Wingerter
Dr. Thilo Winkeler
Dr. Judy Witten, LL.M.
Mark H. Wittow
David L. Wochner
Ewa A. Wojciechowska
Charles F. Wolf
Emma R. Wolfe
René Wölfer
Robert E. Wolin
Robert B. Womble
Coleman Wombwell
Tyler Hong Shik Won
Amy Wong
Larry N. Woodard
Alexander Woolley
Megan A. Wotherspoon
Steven P. Wright
Andrew M. Wright
Dan Wu
Yibo Wu
Enzo Wu
James Wyatt
Joseph C. Wylie II
Amigo L. Xie
Reymond E. Yammine
Edward Yao
Golzar Yazdanshenas
Sook Young Yeu
Eugene Y. Yeung
Eva Ying
Yi Ying
Toshiyuki Yoshida
Tom Young
Karen Yuan
Stefan Zahn
Michael G. Zanic
Kaveh Zegrati
Marion Zeller
Kai Zhang
Anita Zhou
Robert P. Zinn
George Zornada
Robert J. Zutz
Industries & Sectors
Advertising and Marketing
Artificial Intelligence
Betting and Gaming
Cloud, Internet, and E-Commerce
Consumer Beauty and Aesthetics
Consumer Products
Data Analytics
Digital Assets, Blockchain Technology, and Cryptocurrencies
Digital Health
Energy Disputes
ESG - Sustainable Agriculture
Family Offices
Financial Services
Fine Art and Cultural Property
Food and Beverage
Fund Formation
General Manufacturing
Global Advisory
Hardware and Semiconductors
Higher Education Institutions
Immersive Technology and Interactive Entertainment
Industrial and Commercial Coatings
Investment Transactions
Lab, Pharmacy, and Durable Medical Equipment
Life Sciences
Limited Partners
Luxury Products and Fashion
Manufacturing Technologies
Media and Entertainment
Metals Manufacturing and Fabrications
Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, and Medical Devices
Post-Acute/Senior Housing and Care
Power Generation and Transmission
Private Equity
Resort, Hospitality, and Leisure
School Districts
Specialty Chemicals
Telecommunication and Mobile
Telecommunication Infrastructure
Transportation (Manufacturing)
Transportation and Logistics
Transportation Finance
Transportation Infrastructure
Areas of Focus
American Indian Law
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Antitrust, Competition, and Trade Regulation
Appellate Litigation
Aviation Finance
Benefits and ESOPs
Biometric Data Compliance and Defense
Capital Markets
Class Action Litigation Defense
Collective Labor and Works Councils
Commercial Disputes
Commercial Ownership, Leasing, and Management
Construction and Infrastructure
Construction and Infrastructure Dispute Resolution
Construction and Infrastructure Project Funding
Consumer Product Safety
Corporate and Acquisition Finance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Sustainability
Data and Privacy Transactions
Data Protection, Privacy, and Security
Debt Capital Markets
Delaware Litigation
Derivatives and Commodities
Distressed Real Estate
E-Discovery Analysis and Technology (e-DAT)
Emerging Contaminants
Emerging Growth and Venture Capital
Emerging Managers, Seed Investors, and GP Stakes
Employment Disputes
Employment Investigations
Employment Issues in Business Transactions
Energy Finance
Energy Storage and Distributed Resources
Environment, Land, and Natural Resources
ESG - Corporate Governance
ESG - Litigation
ESG - Sustainability and Renewable Energy
ESG - Sustainable Investing
ESG and Sustainability
Estate Planning and Trusts & Estates
European Regulatory
Exchange-Traded Products
Executive Compensation
Federal, State, and Local False Claims Act
Financial Institutions and Services Litigation
Financial Services Policy
Fintech Lending
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Food, Drugs, Medical Devices, and Cosmetics (FDA)
Global Distribution
Global Employer Solutions
Global Financial Services Regulation
Global Funds Explorer
Global Location Strategies
Government and Public Procurement
Government Contracts and Procurement Policy
Healthcare and FDA
Healthcare Employment
Healthcare Fraud and Abuse (U.S.)
Healthcare Payor-Provider Disputes (U.S.)
Healthcare Transactions
Hedge Funds
Hospitals and Health Systems
Human Resource Advice and Compliance
Institutional Investors
Insurance Recovery and Counseling
Internal Investigations
International Arbitration
International Trade: CFIUS, Sanctions, and Export Controls
Investment Advisers
Investment Funds
IP Litigation
IP Procurement and Portfolio Management
Islamic Finance
Land Use, Planning, and Zoning
Liquefied Natural Gas
Major Infrastructure: Projects and Public-Private Partnerships
Maritime Disputes
Maritime Regulatory
Maritime Transactions and Finance
Mass Tort
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mining and Metals
Nonprofit Organizations
OFCCP and Affirmative Action Compliance
Oil and Gas
Opportunity Zones (OZs)
Payments, Banking Regulation, and Consumer Financial Services
Pharma and BioPharma Litigation
Portfolio Management, Trading, and Compliance
Post-Grant Patents
Private Equity Funds
Private Equity Transactions
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Public Companies
Public Finance
Public Policy and Law
Rail and Roads
Rail Finance
Real Estate Acquisitions and Dispositions
Real Estate Development and Construction
Real Estate Finance
Real Estate Funds
Real Estate Joint Ventures
Real Estate Litigation
Restructuring and Insolvency
Securities and Transactional Litigation
Securities Arbitration
Securities Enforcement / Financial Regulatory Enforcement
Securitization and Structured Finance
Technology Transactions and Sourcing
The Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
U.S. National Security Law and Policy
US Congressional Investigations
US Registered Investment Companies
Wage and Hour
Water and Wastewater
White Collar Defense and Investigations
Workplace Safety
Fort Worth
Hong Kong
Kansas City
Los Angeles
New York
Orange County
Palo Alto
Research Triangle Park
San Francisco
Sao Paulo
Washington DC
Middle East
South America
United States