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Notification and Letter of Consent to Personal Information

In order to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and the Privacy Policy, K&L Gates (the “Firm”) hereby informs you of the following items in accordance with the laws before collecting your personal data. Please read carefully.

1. 用途與類別Purposes of Collection and Categories:

本所為舉辦「歡慶在臺20週年: 2023年及未來境外投資法律的挑戰及策略」系列研討會活動,而將蒐集、使用您下列個人資料類別:姓名、公司資訊(包含職稱與通訊地址)、電子郵件地址與飲食模式。
In order to hold the series of seminars "Celebrating 20 years in Taipei: What you need to know in 2023 and beyond for Legal Challenge & Strategy for Outbound Investment", the Firm will collect and use your personal information as follows: name, company information (including the title and address), E-mail address, and dietary pattern.

2. 使用範圍Scope of Use:


Your personal information will only be used by the Firm in the territory of the Republic of China, within the necessary scope for the aforementioned purposes of collection and in a reasonable manner, until the purposes of collection disappears. However, your personal information may be internationally transmitted by the Firm, in electronic format or hardcopies, to the Firm’s global affiliates for further processing or use.

3. 權利與不提供個人資料之權益影響Rights and Impact on Rights and Interests of Not Providing Personal Information:

對於您的所有個人資料,您可向本所請求 (i) 查詢或閱覽您的個人資料;(ii) 製給您的個人資料複製本;(iii) 補充或修正您的個人資料;(iv) 停止蒐集、處理或使用您的個人資料;或(v) 刪除您的個人資料,以上各類情況均應依照《個人資料保護法》之規範。另請知悉,若您未提供正確或不提供個人資料,本所將無法為您提供蒐集目的之相關服務。

In respect of all your personal information, you may request the Firm to (a) allow you to examine or read; (b) provide a copy; (c) allow you to modify; (d) stop collecting, processing or using; or (e) delete pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act.

Please also note that the Firm may not be able not to provide related services for the purposes of collection due to the lack of your correct personal information.

一旦點擊「提交資訊」之按鈕,即表示(1) 您已充分告知並瞭解上述告知事項,且(2) 同意本所於所列蒐集目的之必要範圍內,蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。
By ticking the button “Submit”,  you’ve (1) fully been informed and understood the above notification items, and (2) agreed that the Firm may collect, process and use your personal information within the necessary scope for the aforesaid purposes of collection.

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Email Disclaimer

We welcome your email, but please understand that if you are not already a client of K&L Gates LLP, we cannot represent you until we confirm that doing so would not create a conflict of interest and is otherwise consistent with the policies of our firm. Accordingly, please do not include any confidential information until we verify that the firm is in a position to represent you and our engagement is confirmed in a letter. Prior to that time, there is no assurance that information you send us will be maintained as confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

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