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Jamie Robinson

Advised a national manufacturing client on the industrial relations, enterprise bargaining and industrial disputation strategy to enable the consolidation of its production and maintenance enterprise agreements resulting in a reduction in wages cost for the maintenance operation of approximately 30%.
Acted for a ASX 50 financial institution in conduct of its enterprise bargaining, including providing training to the institution's negotiation committee, strategy advice to the client's C-suite executives and all aspect of the negotiation and approval by the Fair work Commission, including Better Off Over Test compliance.
Advised and represented an ASX 100 construction industry client in the defence of two regulatory prosecutions arising from the fatality in one case a bystander and in the second an employee. This included representation in the former case in the Coroners Court of New South Wales and subsequently in both cases in the relevant criminal courts.

Advised significant publicly listed employer on the employment transition strategy for a significant number of the client's senior executives to avoid litigation and adverse publicity, including detailed advice on compliance with Part 2D.2 (Restrictions on Indemnities, Insurance and Termination Payments) pursuant to the Corporations Act 2001(Cth).

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