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Simon Ashworth

Corrections Sector – Advised both builders and operators of corrections facilities for Grafton Prison PPP in their procurement phases and during contract implementation. These projects include: Grafton Prison PPP, Auckland Prison PPP, South Auckland (Wiri) Prison PPP, Ravenhall Prison PPP, Waikeria Prison PPP, NSW's John Morony Prison Outsourcing and Mt Gambier Prison Outsourcing.
Antarctic Icebreaker, DMS Maritime – Acted for a subsidiary of Serco, on its successful bid for the AU$2 billion contract to design, build, operate and maintain a new 156 metres long Australian icebreaker research and supply vessel for the Australian Antarctic Division of the Commonwealth Department of Environment.
Acted for the Bridge Housing consortium as its lead legal advisor on its bid to develop 500 dwellings as part of the NSW Government Social and Affordable Housing Fund Phase 2 (SAHF2).
Advised the Connecting Sydney consortium (Acciona Infrastructure Australia, Transdev, Alstom Transport Australia and Capella) in its successful bid for the new CBD and South East Light Rail and operations of the Inner West Light Rail project.
Advised the Department of Environment, Victoria and SA Water and the South Australian Crown Solicitors Office in relation to their desalination projects.
Advised Barwon Region Water Authority on its biosolids PPP.
Advising the D&C contractor (comprising two international contractors in joint venture) on its bid for the AU$5 billion, 128-kilometre Gowrie to Kagaru, including the 6.2-kilometre tunnel through the Toowoomba Range, Inland Rail PPP.
Advising the O&M contractor on its bid for the Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance package of the AU$3-4 billion Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport PPP.
Advising the contractor bidding for the AU$1.85 billion Next Generation Trams project to deliver and maintain 100 new trams for Melbourne.
Advising the contractor bidding for Sydney's Western Harbour Tunnel project.
Advised Downer on its successful bid and project delivery of the Sydney Growth Trains project.
Advised the FM contractor on its successful bid for the SA Schools 2 PPP.
Advised Serco on its bid within the TransForm Consortium, including the project deed, O&M contract and interface deed related to the North West Rail Link PPP (now Sydney Metro).
Roads Sector: numerous road projects including the East West Link PPP, Puhoi to Warkworth PPP, Transmission Gully PPP, Eastlink PPP, Peninsula Link PPP, the Northern Beaches Hospital Connectivity and Network Enhancement, Brisbane’s Airport Link PPP and the CLEM7 Tunnel PPP.
Ferries: advised tenderers bidding on the original Sydney Ferries Franchising and the follow up Sydney Ferries Retender.
Drafted and negotiated contract documents (including EPC contract) with shortlisted tenderers for the development of a Bitumen Storage Facility at Port Botany, and a low aromatic fuel storage tank in Darwin.
Advised the FM contractor on its bid to provide services to the College, Halls of Residence and an accompanying hotel as part of the Curtin University Student Accommodation Project in Western Australia.
Advised principals and contractors on numerous construction, engineering and processing contracts, including for major shopping centres, hotels, hospitals, warehouses and facilities for the handling of liquid chemicals, gasses and oil products.
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