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Jackie S. Celender

Select Recent Trial Experience

Represent a major materials supplier in three inter-related but unconsolidated ICC arbitrations (seated in London, Paris, and Geneva) in successfully defending claims brought against it by a major manufacturer of commercial passenger and military aircraft, related to the supply of alleged defective products, in which the claims alleged (for damages and an indemnity) were quantified at over US$1 billion. The defenses advanced on behalf of our client ultimately prevailed with a favorable costs award against the unsuccessful claimant.
Represent major aerospace materials supplier in international arbitration before the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) in defense of breach of contract claims regarding pricing.
Represent a major energy services company in a London-based arbitration against an insurer that refused to indemnify the company for its portion of a US$1 billion settlement entered into to resolve lawsuits arising out of an explosion and fire that occurred onboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in 2010.
Represent a major aluminum company in an ICC arbitration brought by a Dutch mining company over claims related to the development of a bauxite mine in Suriname.
Represent policyholder in AAA and ICDR arbitrations regarding insurers’ breach of asbestos coverage-in-place agreements.

Select Current and Recent Engagements

Represent major chemical company in connection with the defense of civil liability and damage claims arising from a series of well-publicized chemical fires at a Texas facility in the wake of Hurricane Harvey in September 2017, including the defense in federal court of a class action involving upwards of 30,000 individuals who allege a variety of personal and property injuries and a Texas state-court MDL proceeding involving more than 750 plaintiffs, who were allegedly injured and/or suffered property damage during the fires.
Represent chemical company in defense of CERCLA action.
Represent manufacturer and energy services company in defense of tort-based personal injury lawsuits alleged by employees of subsidiary companies.
Represent aerospace products manufacturer in ICC arbitration involving claims of breach of a long-term supply agreement.
Represent manufacturer in domestic arbitrations involving breach of contract claims stemming from a pricing dispute.
Represent engineered metals manufacturer and aluminum manufacturer in commercial contract, product liability, and personal injury cases in a variety of US jurisdictions and in domestic and international disputes.
Represent hospital in land use dispute.
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