Brian J. Smith
Representing a U.S. wireless carrier in a nationwide antitrust class action alleging anticompetitive effects of prior merger.
Representing SK Trading International Co., Ltd., a global trading company, and its U.S. affiliate in state and federal antitrust actions brought by California Attorney General and various purchasers of gasoline in California alleging anticompetitive market manipulation in trading in California gasoline spot markets.
Representing an individual subpoena recipient in an investigation brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, regarding potential cartel conduct in the water and sewage pipe industry.
Representing individual defendant in nationwide antitrust class action alleging anticompetitive "no-poach" agreements in healthcare industry.
Representing Mayne Pharma, a global generic pharmaceutical manufacturer, in nationwide multidistrict antitrust class action brought by various purchasers alleging an industry-wide cartel involving price-fixing and customer allocation agreements and conspiracies, and in related direct action litigation.
Representing Mayne Pharma, a global generic pharmaceutical manufacturer in response to grand jury and investigatory subpoenas from the Department of Justice and state attorneys general concerning the price-fixing and customer allocation of generic drugs.
Represented Koch Foods, Inc., an international processor and distributor of broiler chickens, in a criminal antitrust investigation and subsequent criminal indictment brought by the Department of Justice Antitrust Division regarding alleged cartel conduct in the poultry product market.
Represented multinational pharmaceutical company, Teligent, Inc., in nationwide multidistrict antitrust class action brought by various purchasers alleging an industry-wide cartel involving price-fixing and customer allocation agreements and conspiracies, and in related direct action litigation.
Represented an individual in response to a grand jury subpoena from the Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, concerning anticompetitive “no-poach” agreements in the healthcare industry.
Represented Chiyoda Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a Japanese auto-parts manufacturer, and its U.S. subsidiary in nationwide antitrust class action brought by various purchasers alleging a global price-fixing cartel.
Represented Nichicon Corporation, a Japanese electronic components manufacturer, and its U.S. subsidiary in nationwide multidistrict antitrust class actions brought by various purchasers alleging a global price-fixing cartel. These actions followed a criminal antitrust investigation conducted by the Department of Justice Antitrust Division.
Represented Nichicon Corporation, a Japanese electronic capacitor manufacturer, in a criminal antitrust investigation conducted by the Department of Justice Antitrust Division. The representation included coordination with investigations conducted in numerous other countries, as well as representation of both the parent and its U.S. subsidiary in numerous follow-on class actions and direct action litigation.
Representing large university medical provider in response to a third-party subpoena seeking production of data and documents in antitrust civil action alleging anticompetitive scheme to suppress competition from biosimilar pharmaceuticals.
Advised indoor air quality companies in relation to potential anticompetitive conduct by industry standard setting organizations.
Represented a U.S. railway component manufacturer in nationwide antitrust class action brought by employees alleging anticompetitive “no-poach”/“no-hire” agreements in railway employee labor markets.
Represented U.S. wireless carrier in pre-merger antitrust compliance.
Advised health providers in various antitrust regulatory matters and private disputes.