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Allison Wallace

IT / Enterprise Resource Projects

Advising the Australian arm of a major global manufacturer in its rollout of Microsoft's D365 ERP suite, using DXC as its implementor, including preparing a hybrid prime implementation services agreement, assisting in negotiations with DXC for the prime contract, as well as negotiations with Microsoft for the procurement of its software. Allison also prepared, advised on and assisted in the negotiations of statements of work for design and implementation.
Advising Australia's largest independent electrical wholesaler in its roll-out of a business-changing, once-in-a-generation new ERP system, with its selected vendor, Pronto, to implement Pronto's ERP suite. Allison's work on this project included providing strategic advice on handling "change management" within a large, family-run business, as well as maintaining competitive tension in a single-vendor process, so as to ensure the best outcome for the client.
Advising an Australian sporting authority on its multi-phase rollout of Microsoft's D365 ERP suite, using Microsoft as its implementor. Allison's work on this project involved assisting in negotiations with Microsoft regarding its suite of agreements, as well as providing strategic advice on managing the purchase of "out of the box" software, and negotiating with Microsoft regarding its delivery of a solution that meets the client's requirements.
Advising a Papua New Guinean oil and gas exploration and development company in relation to the negotiation of a Prime Contract for System Implementation and Services, for the its ERP project, including preparing the implementation and services agreement, and sitting as second chair in simultaneous negotiations with three bidding system implementors, and assisting in negotiations with the ERP software vendor (SAP), as well as secondary software vendors providing software for the project.
Advising a leading energy retailer in relation to the negotiation of master services agreements with IBM and Accenture for the provision of ongoing IT services, as well as providing assistance in negotiations with both implementors for the procurement of services to rollout of its Customer Transformation Project.
Advising a global ICT service provider in relation to mediation and exit strategies from its troubled project, including assisting in negotiations regarding the transition (and termination) of staffing and other services.
Advising a property development company in the implementation of a new ERP system following a project reset, including assisting in the procurement of and negotiations with a new implementor, and in negotiations with the ERP software vendor (Sage).
Advising a leading energy retailer in relation to its roll-out of the SAP ERP suite of software as part of its EST Project, including preparing the implementation and services agreements, sitting as second chair in negotiations with bidding system implementors, and advising on Statements of Work (for design and support) executed with the eventual successful implementor (CapGemini).

IT Projects / Procurement & Outsourcing

Advising the owner of one of Australia's four oil refineries on the procurement of new hardware and software for the update of its distributed control system, including the preparation of a bespoke services and implementation contract.
Advising a financial services provider on the procurement and implementation of bespoke data warehousing software, including assisting in the drafting and negotiation of a services and implementation contract, and negotiation of the software licence.
Advising a leading energy retailer in relation to the preparation and negotiation of an embedded network agreement for the installation and operation of embedded networks across three sites in Victoria and New South Wales, including sitting as second chair in protracted negotiations with the developer.
Advising a large international integrator on a major business process and IT outsourcing mega deal. Allison assisted the client in the preparation of services descriptions and schedules (for various services towers), as well as providing advice on their interaction with the umbrella-style master agreement.
Advising a leading energy retailer in relation to its negotiations with its incumbent software provider to develop and implement enhancements to its existing platform to meet new regulatory requirements.
Advising a global insurer in its negotiations for the procurement of new claims management and insurance software to replace its existing platform, which is end-of-life.
Advising an Australian insurer on its once-in-a-generation project to replace its existing ERP software. When the project was reset, Allison advised on strategy for the procurement of an alternate vendor, and assisted in negotiations with selected system implementor SSP. Allison also advised on the procurement of third-party software to supplement the SSP platform.
Advising a tertiary education provider on the rollout of a new student management system platform, including providing strategic advice on procurement, preparing a bespoke services agreement for use in the project, and assisting the client with its assessment of the bids received from four software providers who are bidding to implement their own software. Allison's work on this project included negotiating with the preferred vendor to achieve agreement on the terms of the project documents, including the terms of the SaaS offering being procured, and a statement of work for support services.

Privacy and Data Security

Advising various clients on the implications of recent updates to the privacy act, including the preparation of data breach response plans and policies.
Assisting various clients in handling and responding to data breaches.
Advising a health services provider in relation to the inadvertent disclosure of emails containing the personal information of one individual to another.
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