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Chloe Duan

Investment Management

Counselled a world famous family trust on its PRC securities investment through QFII, Stock Connect and CIBM.

Counselled several U.S. endowment funds on their PRC securities investment through QFII, Stock Connect and CIBM.

Counselled a family office on its onshore and offshore securities investment.

Represented a SOE on a QDII financing project.

Represented a US investment bank on a number of private fund projects.

Counselled a U.S. asset manager on its QDLP application.

Counselled a number of foreign asset managers on their PRC marketing strategies. 

Fund Raising and Downstream Investment

Represented a SOE backed PE fund on forming US$ denominated fund in the United States and Cayman.

Represented a SOE backed PE fund on a number of downstream investments.

Represented IDG on a number of preferred shares financing projects (deal size ranging from US$1 million to 5 million).

Represented ACTIS on the restructuring investment portfolios.

Represented a leading AI company on its series B (US$30 million), series C1-6 (for an aggregate investment amount of US$200 million), and series D (US$200 million) preferred share financing.

Represented on its pre-IPO common share financing (US$52 million).

Represented a number of target companies on its preferred share financing (deal size ranging from US$5 million to 30 million).

Represented a leading AI company (a Cayman company with VIE structure) on its IPO on the SSE STAR Market (a China version NASDAQ board launched June 2019).   


Represented a UK fund on the acquisition of a series of private schools and colleges in China.

Represented the world’s leading tech company on the acquisition (both onshore and offshore) of a PRC company focusing on CMR business.

Advised a U.S. PE fund on the acquisition of a PRC company manufacturing fastener products.

Advised a SOE backed PE fund on the acquisition of a Taiwan pharmaceutical company.

Represented an AI company on its global restructuring.

Represented a UK-listed company on the acquisition of a PRC high tech firm.

General Corporate and Compliance

Assisted a number of MNCs with their WFOE set up and closure.

Advised a number of WFOEs with their daily operation, PRC investment and expansion.

Represented a U.S. MNC on a FCPA project. 

Dispute Resolution

Represented the founder of an international food chain company on a redemption dispute (US$10 million).

Represented the founder of a training school on a redemption dispute (US$10 million).

Represented Standard Chartered and DBS on a number of non-performing debt projects.

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