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Meg Aitken

Providing advice to clients in various sectors in relation to workplace restructuring and .compliance with applicable legislation, awards and enterprise agreements.

Assisting employers in a range of industries and sectors in the defence of general protections and unfair dismissal claims.

Advising on the interaction between awards and enterprise agreements and assisting clients with enterprise bargaining, including assessing whether enterprise agreements pass the 'Better off Overall Test'.

Representing clients in the mining, construction and health industries in relation to charges brought by WorkSafe Victoria alleging breaches of various sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. Ms Aitken has assisted to advise clients on prospects, liaise with Work Safe Victoria, work with counsel to prepare pleas in mitigation and, as a result, has helped clients to avoid conviction.

Assisting to prepare workplace behavior training materials including presentations on bullying and harassment, health and safety, discrimination, enterprise bargaining and risks of termination.

Assisting with providing advice to a publicly listed company on the potential criminal liability of an employee arising from the unauthorized deletion of a significant number of company records under the Corporations Act and Commonwealth and State criminal Acts.

Assisting a client in the transport and logistics industry to defend a dispute brought by the union arising out of the abolition of a position.

Developing and customizing materials for employees and managers of a government department to refer to when conducting serious misconduct investigations, including developing practical flow charts, checklists and templates for use during the investigation process.

Drafting various employment related policies and procedures for clients in a variety of industries including appropriate workplace behaviour guidelines and health and safety policies and procedures.

Assisting a client in the transport industry to navigate issues relating to designated work group and election of health and safety representatives.

Assisting to act for clients in employment related litigation in the Fair Work Commission, the Federal Court, Federal Circuit Court, Supreme Court and VCAT. These matters typically include claims arising from termination of employment, discrimination, sexual harassment claims or breach of contract claims for post-employment restraints.

Advising on termination of employment, including assisting employers in managing workplace performance, disciplinary procedures, termination of employment and defending claims arising from termination of employment.

Assisting clients to manage the safe return to work of ill and injured employees, balancing operational imperatives with safety concerns.

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