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Craig P. Wilson

Represented a utility client in defense of enforcement action and negotiation of resolution of claims arising from substantial release of sediment during reconstruction of a dam allegedly impacting stream and river system for multiple miles.
Counsel to multiple waste coal power generation plants, including with respect to permitting and compliance relating to air, water, and waste, as well as associated culm pile reclamation.
Represent a surface mining company with regard to reestablishment of a dormant coal mining operation and expansion of operations into non-coal surface mining.
Represent a mining company in defense of enforcement action alleging that mining activities had disrupted the hydrologic balance in the vicinity of the mine and caused sinkholes throughout the area.
Advised a chemical manufacturing client with respect to complex regulatory analysis related to recycling of potentially hazardous materials.
Represent an energy company in defense of multiple appeals of oil and gas well permits relating to unconventional gas production.
Advise and represent a major interstate gas transmission company with respect to regulatory matters and disputes with mining companies regarding responsibilities to protect natural gas pipelines from adverse impacts of mine subsidence.

Served as counsel to one of the largest owners of agricultural land in the United States with respect to environmental and water rights diligence in relation to the acquisition of more than 200,000 acres.

Counsel to a leading manufacturer of quality chocolate and non-chocolate confectioneries and snacks, including with respect to stormwater and wastewater discharges, air emissions, materials handling, and hazardous and solid waste disposal.

Counsel to a producer of specialty chemicals in connection with a comprehensive audit and corrective action process associated with the acquisition of multiple manufacturing assets in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Counsel to developers of multiple industrial and commercial projects with complex redevelopment issues, including contamination from historic landfills and prior industrial operations such as steel manufacturing and paint formulation.

Counsel to a major manufacturer in each of two “operable units” of the largest Superfund site in the nation.
Represented a quarrying operation in successful appeal of decision of zoning hearing board requiring the quarry to seek local approval despite long-standing, state-permitted operations.
Counsel to a number of independent producers of oil and natural gas involved in the development of unconventional resources, including with respect to defense of government enforcement and third-party actions and in connection with unanticipated and emergency events.
Represent an oil and gas exploration/production company in defense of enforcement proceedings relating to allegations of migration of gas from multiple natural gas wells and contamination of water supplies in seven distinct geographic areas.
Represent an oil and gas exploration/production company in defense of enforcement proceedings relating to loss of control of a natural gas well and including discharge of natural gas and hydraulic fracturing fluid flowback to nearby land and water resources.
Counsel to developers of significant transmission infrastructure in the Appalachian Basin, and with respect to the acquisition of transportation assets.
Represented a petroleum refiner in defense of federal multimedia enforcement action simultaneously pursued at facilities in three states.
Represented and advised a major oil and gas association in connection with negotiations with the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding state programmatic general permit, including successful modifications to permit terms and processing procedures allowing materially expedited permit reviews.
Counsel to client in connection with audit of construction practices at hundreds of locations in anticipation of wetlands enforcement action; collaborated in development of audit protocol that was deployed in multiple states across the country.

Counseled a large industrial discharger to a regional publicly owned treatment works in negotiating inter-municipal and private party agreements to enable expansion of a regional treatment plant and extension of the sewer system to serve the host township.

Counsel with respect to permitting and development of multiple natural gas-fired combined cycle electric generating facilities, including projects that redeveloped “brownfields” sites; addressed state and federal environmental permitting processes, zoning and land development approval processes, and third-party appeals.
Counsel to a major utility in a “swap” with other utility of ownership interests in five coal-fired and nuclear electric generating facilities in Ohio and Pennsylvania for full ownership interests in three coal-fired facilities, and in a subsequent auction sale of the three coal-fired facilities and four other coal and oil-fired facilities.

Counsel to developers of wind project assets in Pennsylvania.

Counsel to buyers and sellers of wind project assets in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Served as Pennsylvania regulatory counsel for an international electric transmission project that proposed to cross one of the Great Lakes and land in Pennsylvania with underground high-voltage direct-current electric cable.
Counsel to Pennsylvania’s largest investor-owned water and wastewater utility with respect to the environmental and regulatory aspects of the acquisition of water and wastewater systems from municipal entities.
Counsel to a leading supplier of bottled water with respect to source development and environmental controls in manufacturing.

Counsel to a major producer of meat products with respect to environmental and land development matters, including stormwater and wastewater management at animal feeding operations.

Counsel to developers of solar project assets in Pennsylvania.
Counsel to one of the world’s largest manufacturer of human vaccines with respect to a major plant expansion that included a substantial increase in an existing wastewater treatment plant discharge to a high-quality, cold-water stream and remediation of multiple historic landfills on the property.

Environmental counsel to a leading producer of construction aggregates with respect to the acquisition and transfer of multiple quarrying operations.

Health, safety and environmental counsel to the world’s largest manufacturers of human vaccines, including with respect to stormwater and wastewater discharges, air emissions, materials handling, hazardous and infectious waste disposal, and biosafety.
Represent an interstate natural gas transmission company with regard to protecting pipelines from ground subsidence associated with underground mining.
Represented a client with respect to auction and negotiated sale of major aerospace technology business with facilities in multiple states and complex splitting of sold and retained assets and responsibilities.
Represented a leading food manufacturer with respect to a wastewater permitting dispute that involved a broad-based, third-party challenge to Pennsylvania’s nutrient trading program.
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