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Georgina Rigg

Advising numerous international fashion and retail companies and luxury brands, including luxury British, Italian, American, and Australian fashion and accessories labels, on brand and design protection, enforcement, litigation, licensing, and intellectual property (IP) strategy.
Acting in close collaboration with the general counsel of a luxury hotel chain in relation to trade mark portfolio management and enforcement, and providing ongoing protection strategies and legal advice as the brand expands into different sectors, including alcohol, fashion, cosmetics and supplements.
Undertaking a part-time secondment with a global cosmetics company and providing ongoing advice in relation to commercial contracts, product and advertising claims, and selective distribution.
Advising one of the largest technology and logistics companies in the world and providing ongoing contract and negotiation support relating to third-party logistics and warehousing contracts.
Providing an international cosmetics company with advice on product claims and advertising issues, including influencer marketing, "known for" claims, vegan claims, and the complex issues surrounding borderline products between the medicinal and cosmetic categories.
Providing ongoing design portfolio advice and registration services for global footwear company.
Advising an innovative US clothing services company with their launch into the UK market, including providing advice on commercial and consumer law relevant to their industry and drafting various contracts and online terms and conditions.
Providing advertising and regulatory advice to an internationally renowned luxury company on the launch of a new innovative product and providing guidance on the intersection between medicines and food supplements. Reviewing product advertising and website copy and labeling and ensuring compliance with advertising law.
Advising a global cosmetics company on various intellectual property matters, including in relation to a high-profile co-existence agreement and an agreement for the development of a mobile application using high-value brand assets.
Advising an international food company on its intellectual property license agreement to franchisees in several jurisdictions.
Advising a global manufacturing company on the renegotiation of a billion-dollar supply agreement with compliance competition issues.
Advising a subsidiary of a large US conglomerate in relation to its launch of an innovative new pet technology product in the UK, including advice relating to website terms and conditions, website compliance, product marketing (electronic product regulation, including waste obligations), and drafting UK templates of commercial contracts, including influencer marketing agreements, advertising and marketing agreements, distributor terms and conditions, and a partnership agreement for a co-branded product as an insurance incentive.
Advising a US manufacturing company on its negotiations regarding a Ministry of Defence subcontract for the provision of military equipment.
Represented a chemical manufacturer in its appeal of a decision in relation to the animal testing before the European Chemicals Agency required under REACH for benzaldehyde.
Advising and co-coordinating pan-EU projects for a US furniture manufacturer relating to waste and recycling obligations, and product labelling requirements, including advice in relation to UCKA and CE certification and marketing and new packaging obligations in the UK and the EU.
Representing a consumer electronics company during an investigation by two authorities into a potential breach of EU law, communication with the authorities, and advising on the future actions that the company can take to ensure compliance.
Acting for a manufacturing company in assessing the registered uses of certain substances of very high concern (SVHCs) contained within the machinery and compliance with the applicable law, including communication obligations within the supply chain.
Advising a medical equipment company in relation to its supply and import of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical devices to the United Kingdom during the initial stages of the lockdown in the United Kingdom, including a review of the amendments to law in relation to PPE and the import requirements of supplying the equipment.
Developing and managing a luxury robotics company's selective distribution system across the European Union and using intelligent intellectual property tools to help enforce the system in multiple jurisdictions.
Advising a US-based headphone manufacturer with product compliance requirements, including advice relating to the regulation of batteries; electronics and electronic waste; product marking, including CE and UKCA marking; and chemical compliance.
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