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Edward Yao

IP Procurement and Portfolio Management

Represented an international top petroleum company to succeed in recognizing its mark as well-known trademark in opposition proceedings
Represented an international top IT company to succeed in recognizing its mark as well-known trademark in opposition, appeal of opposition proceedings, and court appeal proceedings
Represented an international gaming company to prosecute and enforce IP rights in China
Represented an international top IT company to succeed in opposing the famous trademarks of its competitor
Represented a famous medical company to succeed in opposing the trademark imitation by its distributor and obtaining the trademark registrations in China
Represented a famous beauty apparatus company to succeed in opposing the trademark imitation by its competitor and obtaining the trademark registrations in China
Represented a famous cellphone accessories brand owner in China, and succeeded in fighting against the trademark imitation

IP Litigation

Represented an international hotel brand owner to fight against the infringements in China, and succeeded in canceling the trade name of one infringer based on trademark infringements and unfair competition in litigation proceedings
Represented an international cup brand owner to fight against the infringements in China, and succeed in raid actions, administrative litigations, and civil litigations
Represented a Canadian seafood brand owner to fight against the infringements in China, and succeed in administrative litigations and civil litigations
Represented a famous food brand owner to fight against the infringements in China, and succeed in civil litigations based on the trademark infringements and unfair competitions
Advised a famous cellphone accessories brand owners in China, and succeed in fighting against the trademark infringements
Advised a famous apparatus rental brand owner to succeed in civil litigation based on trademark and trade name infringements
Advised a famous medicine services brand owner to succeed in civil litigation based on trademark, trade name infringements, and unfair competitions
Advised a famous US brand owner on domain name dispute
Advised a famous German company against patent infringements in China
Advised a famous US car accessory company against patent infringements in China
Advised a famous US software company against copyright infringement in China
Advised a famous US skin care company against trademark infringement, copyright infringement, and unfair competition in China
Advised a famous US semiconductor company against trademark infringement, copyright infringement, and unfair competition in China

Complex Commercial Litigation and Disputes

Advised an international top IT company to conduct the investigation on the theft crime of employee and focus on criminal litigation
Advised on arbitration for breach of product purchase contract
Advised a famous US data company to conduct the investigation and strategy against IP theft in China
Advised a famous traveling magazine on strategy against breach of contract
Advised an international clothing company to solve the dispute on the payment of royalty in China

Technology Transactions and Sourcing

Represented a famous Chinese company to negotiate for technology and patent license
Advised an international famous clothing company to license its trademarks to Chinese companies
Advised a famous US university for IP license in China
Advised a famous education company for IP license in China
Advised a famous online gaming company for IP license in China
Advised a famous pharmaceutical company for IP license in China

Data Protection, Privacy, and Security

Advised a famous aggregation platform on IP protection, information protection, Internet security, and cloud services
Advised a famous restaurant holding company on data compliance in China
Advised a famous Australia bank for data compliance in China
Advised a famous railway company for data compliance and strategy against data breaches in China
Advised a famous data company for data compliance in China
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