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Kathryn M. Starshak

Manage global intellectual property portfolios for companies of all sizes from multi-national to start-up companies, in a range of industries including the electronics, clothing, automotive, consulting, consumer products, educational training, gaming, publishing and pharmaceutical industries.
Assist clients with takedown demands on social media platforms and the removal of fraudulent websites.
Counsel clients on trademark and copyright enforcement matters.
Obtain transfers of domain names from cybersquatters in Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution proceedings.
Draft and negotiate trademark and copyright licenses.
Handle intellectual property due diligence and agreement review in corporate transactions.
Handle numerous successful opposition and cancellation proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
Manage large-scale global trademark clearance projects for new product launches and re-branding initiatives in multiple industries, including consumer products, food, and electronics.
Manage trademark filings and branding initiatives for professional athletes, musicians and other individuals in the entertainment industry.
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