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Our Commitment to Diversity


Giovanni Campi

Representing the Italian chamber for fashion in advocating for its position and interests vis-à-vis EU institutions in the framework of the eco-design for sustainable product regulation (ESPR).
Representing the French fashion industry association in advocating for its position and interests vis-à-vis EU institutions in the framework of the eco-design for sustainable product regulation (ESPR).
Representing the US Chamber (CCMC) in EU and international financial services policy issues linked to banking, capital markets, asset management, and insurance.
Representing the US Chamber (GIPC) in relation to EU policy and legislative developments related to the review of the EU Pharmaceutical legislation, and in particular its impact on the pharma industry's intellectual property interests.
Assisting the US Chamber in drafting a position paper on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and providing strategic intelligence and advice throughout the CS3D legislative process.
Represented a major technology trade association on TSCA and PFAS issues.
Devised and conducted an EU and Member States level advocacy strategy to complement legal efforts in the framework of an antidumping case concerning EU imports of SAP from Korea.
Mapping and analysing greenwashing legislation at EU level and in selected EU Member States, and whether it would apply to the client's operations.
Assisting a global building materials company with mapping, identifying, and pursuing policy and financing opportunities linked to Ukraine reconstruction efforts.
Monitoring and advising on EU AI Act legislative developments.
Monitoring and advising on EU and selected EU Member States funding opportunities related to quantum computing research and development.
Providing weekly policy update covering EU and international financial services policy developments, including new proposals, consultations, etc.
Assisting a global building materials company with regulatory information and analyses in the framework of its decision to open a new fibre cement factory in an EU Member State. 
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