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Nicholas Brown

Applying to the Federal Court to obtain appointment of receivers over assets of a private equity fund and proceedings for breach of trust, possible breaches of requirements to register managed investment schemes.
Advising in relation to issues arising from the issue of cryptocurrency coin offerings.
Advised individuals and corporations in connection with corporate insolvency and associated director and parent company liability issues.
Tsvetnenko v United States of America [2019] FCA 206 - Advised prominent Australian citizen in respect of extradition proceedings.
Otto Energy (Tanzania) Pty Ltd v Swala Energy Ltd [2016] FCA 1266 - Acted in an ICC mediation for Australian ASX-listed African based oil exploration company.
Tasfoods Ltd v Tasmanian Land Company Ltd (Supreme Court of Victoria, Judd J, December 2015) - Represented the interests of a Chinese-based investor in relation to the acquisition of a dairy farm in Tasmania.
Advising a large Australian bank in relation to a dispute concerning an application for default judgment for possession by mortgagee.
Advised receivers in relation to issues concerning the interests of secured parties in relation to a significant corporate insolvency.
Advising international litigation funder regarding the implication of other Personal Property & Securities Act 2009 (Cth) on its standard litigation funding agreements.
Advising the board of an ASX-listed mining company in connection with the appointment of a voluntary administrator over subsidiary companies.
Advising and representing commercial clients in relation to commercial disputes involving the unwinding of partnerships, joint property holdings and trusts and companies arising from joint business.
Acted for creditors in connection with winding-up applications.
Jones, in the matter of Great Southern Ltd (in liquidation) [2017] FCA 169. (Corporations Act, corporate insolvency, debt subordination and equity - Advising and representing liquidators (of the Great Southern Group) in relation to the liquidation and winding up of agricultural managed investment schemes associated with the Great Southern Group of Companies in what was a billion dollar liquidation.
Bux Global Ltd v Hooke & Anor (2018) 128 ACSR 18 - Represented the interests of a private company in relation to various disputes concerning its shareholding.
MOL Bulk Carriers Pte Ltd v Sin-Tang Development Pte Ltd [2016] FCA 619 -  Represented the interests of an overseas entity in Federal Court proceedings.
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