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Jim Bulling

Assisting two Australian super funds in their proposed merger via a successor fund transfer. This involves the conduct of due diligence, negotiating a raft of regulator clearances, and preparing the transfer documentation for the merger.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to outsourcing issues.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to remediation of unit pricing errors.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to managing conflicts.
Advising superannuation funds on governance and regulatory reforms.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to mergers and successor fund transfers.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to investment management agreements.
Advising superannuation funds in relation to investment in illiquid assets.
Advising superannuation entities regarding the delivery of financial product advice to members.
Assisting a range of industry participants respond to the Stronger Super and Future of Financial Advice regulatory reforms.
Acting for an Australian bank in connection with financial product design disclosure and distribution.
Advising an Australian bank in connection with margin lending issues.
Establishing a wholesale quantitative hedge fund investing in Asian equities, including preparing disclosure documentation and negotiating prime brokerage arrangements.
Advising a US fund manager and an Ireland domiciled Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) fund on the Australian financial services regulatory regime, including the types of activities which could be conducted without formal licensing.
Assisting a US fund manager in its application to Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) for Class Order Relief.
Assisting a US fund manager in its application to ASIC for a variation to its Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL).
Advice to a Singapore funds manager in connection with its establishment of a Managed Investment Trust in Australia.
Assisting a UK alternatives fund manager to obtain relief from the AFSL regime in connection with the inclusion of its managed futures strategy on an Australian investment platform.
Advising a global payment facility provider on the Australian regulation of non-cash payment facilities and assisting it to respond to inquiries from ASIC.
Representing a New Zealand-based entity in establishing a peer-to-peer lending platform focusing on consumer loans, including negotiating regulatory approvals.
Assisting a wholesale crowdfunding platform obtain an AFSL and advising on authorised activities. 
Advising an offshore stored value card provider on the financial services regulatory regime in Australia.
Assisting a multinational manufacturing company respond to bribery/Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigations and enforcement activity and assisting the entity to implement compliance processes.
Advising an Australian bank on lending to self-managed super funds.
Advising managed investment schemes on security liquidity and compliance issues.
Advising financial planning groups on investor responses to market failures.
Advising fund managers and distribution groups in connection with regulatory reform to fees and charges.
Advising consumer brand companies in relation to sale of extended warranty and insurance products.
Assisting various financial services entities apply for and vary AFSL and Registrable Superannuation Entity (RSE) licences from Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
Assisting a number of clients establish wholesale investment funds, including funds investing in equities, property development, construction, and offshore mortgage funds.
Preparing financial product distribution arrangements for the distribution of financial products and investment platforms by various intermediaries, including dealer groups, advisers, retailers, and referrers.
Assisting AFSL holders in connection with the appointment of financial planning practices and drafting template agreements.
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