Chimera N. Thompson
Represented transmission customer in proceedings before FERC opposing a transmission owner’s proposed depreciation rate changes in its formula rate. Represented the client to obtain a favorable resolution through settlement, without hearing, compared to the applicant’s as-filed proposal.
Represented default electric service provider in contested proceedings before the Ohio utility commission arising from a governmental aggregator’s return of 500,000 customers to default electric service.
Advised battery storage facility on CAISO tariff and market rules.
Represented electric cooperative opposing a public utility’s proposal to recover unamortized regulatory assets through wholesale generation and transmission formula rates. FERC agreed, finding the proposal may not be just and reasonable, and set the case for hearing and settlement.
Represented electric cooperative in formal challenge proceedings before FERC opposing the public utility’s implementation of its transmission formula rate. FERC agreed, ruling on the papers and directing refunds to transmission customers.
Represented a major electric utility in a state regulatory proceeding involving the prudence of costs incurred in building a first-of-a-kind-at-its-size baseload power plant.
Represented energy trading company in FERC proceeding involving allegations of market manipulation arising from sales made during the California energy crisis and secured dismissal of the California Attorney General’s US$180 million complaint through summary disposition.
Counseled the developer of a 30MW wind project on applicable federal regulations and obtained regulatory authorizations required for the project to begin commercial operations.
Assisted tax equity investors in obtaining regulatory approvals for transactions involving acquisitions of interests in wind energy project portfolios.
Represented a renewable energy company in self-reports to FERC, each resulting in no enforcement action.
Assisted owners of a geothermal power plant in obtaining priority transmission rights for planned transmission capacity on the owner’s generation-tie line, and in developing a non-conforming tariff to govern transmission on the generation-tie line.
Represented renewable facilities in the preparation and filing of self-certifications of PURPA Qualifying Facility (QF) status.
Represented a wind developer in obtaining Exempt Wholesale Generator (EWG) status and market-based rate authority.
Advised merchant and renewable generators, power marketers, and independent transmission companies in obtaining FERC approvals, including Section 203 and Section 204 approvals, as well as market-based rate authorizations.