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G. Norman Acker III

Litigated first civil health care fraud case in North Carolina using the False Claims Act, prevailing on summary judgment.
Obtained civil judgments under the False Claims Act totaling $3.8 million for tobacco warehouse fraud against the Department of Agriculture.
Obtained civil judgements under the False Claims Act totaling $3.35 million for fraud against the Department of the Army.
Obtained criminal conviction against the head of children’s mental health for the State of North Carolina for misappropriating foster care training funds from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Recovered $2.4 million from the State of North Carolina in connection with misappropriation of foster care training funds.
Litigated and settled numerous health care fraud cases under the False Claims Act, obtaining millions of dollars of recovery on behalf of Medicare and Medicaid.
Served as lead counsel in the U.S. District Court in the U.S. ex rel Drakeford v. Tuomey case, which consisted of two almost month-long jury trials, ultimately resulting in a judgment against the hospital for $273 million, plus a civil settlement against the hospital CEO for an additional $1 million.
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