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Rami Maserow

Acted for Yumbah Acquaculture Limited on its acquisition of the land and business of Eyre Peninsula Seafoods.
Acted for Vocus Group Limited in relation to its acquisition of Challenge Networks.
Acted for LTR Pharma Limited, a drug development, research, and repurposing company, focused on men's health and, currently, commercialising a 'first-in-class' rapid onset, on demand therapeutic nasal spray for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, in its initial public offering and associated capital raising.
Advised The Sustainable Nutrition Group Limited in relation to a scheme of arrangement effecting the merger between The Sustainable Nutrition Group Limited and Elixinol Wellness Limited.
Acted for Harbert Australia Equity (HAPE II Warehouse Investment Holdings LLC; Harbert Australia Equity Fund II Holdings Pty Ltd) in relation to a sell side secondary buy-out of FastTrack Pty Ltd. This was pursuant to which 100% of the shares in FastTrack were sold to Access Workspace Pty Ltd.
Acted for BirdDog Technology Limited (ASX: BDT), a world leader in network device interface and Internet protocol video technology, in its AU$133 million initial public offering and associated capital raising.
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