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Belinda Tralli

Reviewing marketing material for compliance with, and advising on risks under, Australian Consumer Law for various clients including not for profits (NFPs).
Preparing, negotiating and advising on commercial agreements, including distribution agreements and services agreements, for a large global payment technology and gift card provider's Australian and New Zealand operations.
Advising Sanitarium, one of Australia's largest food manufacturers, on trade promotions and associated advertising.
Advising on competition and consumer law matters including advice regarding consumer guarantees, warranties and anti-competitive behaviour.
Negotiating and advising on various transport contracts for a global e-business' transport related operations.
Advising an e-commerce platform in relation to its licensing agreements.
Providing regulatory advice on the Franchising Code of Conduct and preparing various franchise documents for franchisors including disclosure documents, franchise agreements, breach notices, termination notices and implementing changes to such documentation as a result of legislation changes.
Working with international and startup franchisors to establish franchise operations in Australia mostly in the retail industry and the fitness industry.
Drafting and advising on terms and conditions for consumer goods and trade promotions.
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