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Victoria S. Pereira Duarte

Representing a global energy trading company and its U.S. subsidiary in a series of 25 federal class actions and a civil action by the California Attorney General involving allegations of market manipulation and violations of the antitrust and unfair competition laws stemming from trading activity in the California gasoline spot market.
Represented multinational pharmaceutical company, in nationwide multidistrict antitrust class action brought by various purchasers alleging an industry-wide cartel involving price-fixing and customer allocation agreements and conspiracies, and in related direct action litigation.
Represented a U.S.-based food processor and distributor in a grand jury investigation and prosecution conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division regarding alleged bid-rigging and price-fixing in the sale of poultry products. We achieved a full dismissal of the indictment for our client.
Representing a global generic pharmaceutical manufacturer headquartered in Australia, in a nationwide multidistrict antitrust class action brought by various purchasers alleging an industry-wide cartel involving price-fixing and customer allocation agreements and conspiracies.
Representing a global company in the development, implementation and maintenance of an antitrust compliance and audit program and advised on the company’s antitrust risks.
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