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Dr. Georg Bernsau

General Representative of Closurelogic GmbH, Worms, in its self-administration proceedings and sale to an international investor.
Managing director of Schuhpark Fascies GmbH, Warendorf, in its self-administration proceedings and responsible for the insolvency plan.
Consultant in the reorganization proceedings of the Gauff Group, Frankfurt am Main, on various sales of subsidiaries.
General Representative of Beate Uhse AG, Hamburg, in its self-administration proceedings and responsible for its insolvency plan.
Insolvency administrator of Röder Präzision GmbH, Egelsbach and responsible for its insolvency plan.
Consultant to Deutsche Forfait AG, Cologne, in their self-administration proceedings and responsible for their insolvency plan.
Consultant to the Acute Clinic, Bad Waldsee, on its sale.
Insolvency administrator of Junghans Uhren GmbH, Schramberg.
Insolvency administrator of Fink Schuhe & Sport GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden, and responsible for the sale of the branches.
Consultant to Vivacon AG, Cologne, on its restructuring.
Consultant to Klinik Viktoriastift, Bad Kreuznach, and its restructuring in a self-administration procedure through an insolvency plan.
Managing Director of Tectum Holding GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, and responsible for the restructuring of the group via insolvency plans.
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