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Executive U.S. Offshore Wind Policy Summit, Hosted by Business Network for Offshore Wind

3rd Party Hosted Event
Date: 17 November 2022
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Washington, D.C.

This past year, Washington D.C. became a focal point for the U.S. offshore wind industry as Congress debated passage of historic green energy legislation. The Democratic Senators unexpectedly announced a deal to pass long-term tax provisions for offshore wind developers and manufacturers, tens of billions to finance green banks around the country, repealed a leasing moratorium, and took steps to advance a planned transmission grid. 

Join the Business Network for Offshore Wind for an Executive U.S. Offshore Wind Policy Summit to quickly get up to speed on what these critical federal updates mean for your business. Please note that this event is for invited members only.

  • Business Network for Offshore Wind 
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