Arturo Meglio is a partner in the firm's Milan office and leads the Italian Corporate/M&A practice. He concentrates his practice on corporate matters, with a particular focus on M&A transactions and corporate litigations.
Arturo focuses his practice on assisting public and privately held companies as well as private equity, venture capital funds, and financial institutions in a number of domestic and international mergers and acquisitions and private equity transactions. He also handles reorganization issues of family-owned groups.
In recent years, Arturo has assisted, in addition to Italian based companies, corporations from Japan, Brazil, France, the U.S., Greece, and the Czech Republic, and has been particularly active with the pharmaceutical, manufacturing, logistics/transportation, gaming, fashion, and food industries, assisting in their entry in the Italian markets or in their internationalization paths and following daily activities.
Arturo leads the growth team of the Milan office focused on assisting start-up and scale-up companies in the establishment of their operations and following growth whether via acquisitions, internationalization, and/or internal growth. The growth team operates through the worldwide platform of the firm with a variety of practice groups within the firm to meet client’s needs and expectations all over the world.
Arturo is admitted to the legal practice in Italy and in the state of New York.
Arturo began his career working in London, New York, and Milan for major U.S. firms. Before joining K&L Gates, Arturo was a partner for over 8 years at major UK firms working out of their Milan offices.
Whilst at Georgetown Law for his LL.M. degree, Arturo was selected for a stage at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Division of Enforcement in Washington, D.C.
- Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Italy™ for Corporate Law and Venture Capital Law, 2025
- Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA as a Recommended Lawyer for Commercial, corporate and M&A in Italy, 2024
- 11 December 2024, Arturo Meglio participated as a speaker in the final training session of the first regional hub focused on capital raising opportunities, organised by Elite - Italian Stock Exchange.
- 8 November 2024, Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the seminar “The Importance of Networking in Legal and Strategy Consulting Careers", organized by LUISS Business School.
- 8 July 2024, Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the workshop "Capital raising opportunities” organized by Elite - Italian Stock Exchange.
- 27 June 2023, Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the workshop "What are the challenges and strategies for companies that want to become international?” organized by Elite - Italian Stock Exchange.
- 19 May 2023 - Arturo Meglio was a speaker at the event "Equity Funding Transactions and Partnership Agreements for Startups" organized by Confindustria (Italian Industrial Federation) of Bari.
- 26 January 2023 - Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the workshop “The new Code of the business crisis: responsibilities of directors and auditors” organized together with Endeavor.
- 6 October 2022 - Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the workshop "Private Capital for Enterprise Development” organized by Elite - Italian Stock Exchange.
- 28 March 2021 - Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in the webinar "The M&A process: external growth strategies” organized by Elite - Italian Stock Exchange.
- 15-16 September 2021 - Arturo Meglio participated as a speaker in the webinar “Legal Marketing: new frontiers” organized by MOPI, the Italian legal marketing association.
- 19 May 2021 - Arturo Meglio participated as a speaker in the webinar "Entry in the German market: a candid conversation about how to start a business in Germany" organized together with Endeavor.
- 10 March 2021 - Arturo Meglio, Pierluigi Vingolo and Luca Nardello held a seminar on investment agreements dedicated to the students of the Master in Corporate & Business Law (Luiss Guido Carli University).
- 27 January 2021 - Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker at the “IM Entrepreneurial Lab project” dedicated to the students of Istituto Marangoni Fashion School. The seminar had the aim to show those main legal aspects to be considered at the start of a new business: organizational processes, regulations, IP and some practical advices for fashion and design start-ups.
- 15 January 2021 - Arturo Meglio attended as a speaker in a webinar organized together with Elite - Italian Stock Exchange and Invitalia on start-up financing, aimed at the training of innovative SMEs and with a focus on the following topics: Governance, Shareholder Relations, Investment Agreements, Privacy and Data Protection, Intellectual Property and Stock Option Plan
- 1 December 2020 - Arturo Meglio moderated the roundtable “How to address companies’ international expansion challenges”, during the Endeavor Digital Event.
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- “Applicazione del foro del consumatore per il fideiussore persona fisica” - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 12 May 2021
- “Canone di locazione e pandemia, gli ultimi orientamenti giurisprudenziali” - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 1 April 2021
- “Violazione del patto parasociale: come si risolve la questione di giurisdizione se la società è straniera ma i soci sono italiani?” - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 11 February 11 2021
- “Banche e diamanti: luce sugli ultimi orientamenti della giurisprudenza di merito” - Diritto 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 25 November 2020
- “Primi "contrasti" giurisprudenziali in materia di locazione commerciale, affitto di azienda e ramo di azienda in epoca covid-19” - Diritto24- Il Sole 24 Ore, 21 September 2020
- “Ripartenza dell’Economia – Fase 2: alcuni spunti giuridico-economici” -, 26 June 2020
- “Primi orientamenti giurisprudenziali post COVID-19 in materia di locazione commerciale, affitto di azienda e ramo di azienda” - Diritto24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 15 June 2020
- “La ricapitalizzazione delle imprese tra benefici e insidie”, Diritto24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 21 May 2020
- “Inadempimenti contrattuali nel contesto emergenziale dovuto al COVID-19”, Diritto24 - Il Sole 24 Ore, 14 May 2020
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- Mentioned, “GOP and K&L Gates in the sale of Digital and to Cloud Care SpA,” Il Sole 24 Ore, 19 April 2024
- Mentioned, "Tacita electric motorcycles closes the extraordinary capital operation, as well as an important loan with a project bank, and prepares a second round of investment.," Il Sole 24 Ore, 13 February 2024