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ARBITRATION WORLD Two Recent Major International Arbitration Studies Ian Meredith and Hendrik Puschmann (London) Two major studies of international arbitration have recently been published. The latest Queen Mary/White & Case survey provides a snapshot of the views of stakeholders in the international arbitration community worldwide. A major in-depth study commissioned by the European Parliament on Legal Instruments and Practice Across the European Union and Switzerland is narrower in its geographic range, but broader in scope. Apart from a survey of practitioners’ attitudes, it includes a roundup of the current state of arbitration law, the rules of arbitral institutions, and investment protection treaties across the continent. THE QUEEN MARY/WHITE & CASE SURVEY The regular arbitration surveys by Queen Mary University of London (“QMUL”) (currently sponsored by White & Case) are a well- established fixture in the arbitration world, the first such survey having been conducted in 2006. Work on its sixth edition was finished in the spring of 2015, and the results are now available here. The latest survey features a significantly enlarged pool of respondents, including data from nearly 800 questionnaires and more than 100 in-depth interviews across a broad spectrum of stakeholders (including practitioners in private practice, in-house practitioners, academics, and those working for arbitral institutions). QMUL’s researchers have, moreover, sought to refine the focus of the survey: where previous surveys merely enquired about current attitudes to arbitration and to specific jurisdictions and institutions, the sixth survey is seeking to capture trends over time: what institutions have seen the most improvement, for instance, and which issue(s) should be most urgently addressed by lawmakers and the curators of arbitral rules. 55