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Dr. Annette Mutschler-Siebert, M. Jur. (Oxon)

Dr. Annette Mutschler-Siebert is a partner at the firm. She advises clients on public procurement law as well as European, competition and commercial law. One focus of her work is the structuring and support of complex award procedures, privatization projects and public private partnership projects, both on the client and bidder side. Annette also advises clients on all antitrust law issues, including the structuring of distribution, the drafting of research and development agreements and antitrust compliance. She advises and assists clients in merger control registration proceedings. She also regularly represents clients before public procurement review bodies, the German Federal Cartel Office and the EU Commission as well as the German and European courts.

Annette is regularly recommended by legal handbooks such as JUVE Handbuch, Who's Who Legal, Chambers Europe and Best Lawyers/Handelsblatt für Vergaberecht.

Annette joined the firm in July 2009. From 2003 through 2009 she worked for another renowned international law firm in Berlin, where she was principal associate between November 2007 and 2009.

  • Recognized by Chambers Germany for Public Law: Public Procurement/PPP, 2025
  • Recognized by Chambers Europe for Public Law: Public Procurement/PPP in Germany, 2015-2024
  • Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA as a Leading Individual for Public procurement in Germany, 2024
  • Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA as a Recommended Lawyer for Advice to the transport sector in Germany, 2024

Apart from her lecture and publication activities on issues regarding procurement, antitrust and European law, Annette is:

  • Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the Working Group Public Procurement Law of the German Bar Association “DAV
  • A member of the advisory committee of the procurement law journal “VergabeR”
  • Member of the Board of the German Bar Association.
  • “Sustainability and Innovation in Europe: How to Keep Up with the Legal Challenges and Seize the Opportunities for Your Business,” ISPO Munich 2024, 5 December 2024
  • “Supply Chain Due Diligence Act,” RUECKERCONSULT, Online Panel, 2024
  • “Global Health, Safety and Environment Forum - ESG in Europe: Overview of the EU Sustainability Policy Strategy,” NSC Networks, Webinar, 16 May 2023
  • MA course of studies in Real Estate Law – University of Münster, course on procurement law, since 2009
  • “Digital Platform Competition: Reshaping advertising, data and online sales in Australia and Europe” K&L Gates Australia-Berlin Webinar
  • Lecture in the context of the training for specialist lawyers for public procurement law “Primary legal protection in contract award review proceedings” (Primärrechtsschutz im Vergabenachprüfungsverfahren), 2020
  • Lecturer in the context of the Euroforum-Seminar “The qualified procurement practitioner”- „Der qualifizierte Vergabepraktiker“- Publication of national and EU-wide award procedures, competition and eligibility („Der qualifizierte Vergabepraktiker“- Veröffentlichung nationaler und EU-weiter Vergabeverfahren, Teilnahmewettbewerb und Eignung), 2019
  • “Current developments in the field of public procurement self-cleansing” (Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der vergaberechtlichen Selbstreinigung), lecture at the German Public Procurement Law Day, 2019
  • “Hands off my employees!” Are agreements in the personnel area permissible under cartel law? („Finger weg von meinen Mitarbeitern!” Sind Absprachen im Personalbereich kartellrechtlich zulässig?); German Syndicate Attorney Day 2019
  • Competition register at the Federal Cartel Office - Who is registered and how to get out (Wettbewerbsregister beim BKartA – Wer wird eingetragen und wie kommt man wieder raus) – BUJ Antitrust Law Summit 2018
  • K&L Gates Luxury & Fashion Webinar –Optimizing Your Brand Equity and Distribution Strategy, 2018
  • Changes to the subject of the contract in negotiated procedure Broadcast of § 132 GWB? - A mental game; Public Procurement FORUM 2017 (Änderungen des Auftragsgegenstandes im Verhandlungsverfahren Ausstrahlung des § 132 GWB? - Ein Gedankenspiel; VergabeFORUM, 2017
  • Lecturer in the specialist attorney course of the German Lawyer Academy, 2016-2020
  • Lecturer in the context of the further training course to gain the “Qualification as a funds manager for companies” (Qualifizierung zum Fördermittel-Manager für Unternehmen) by Emcra, Public tendering: opportunities and pitfalls from the bidder's point of view, 2011-2014 
  • SPNV workshop “Procuring vehicles at favorable prices“ (Fahrzeuge günstig beschaffen), in cooperation with TÜV Rheinland Intertraffic GmbH
  • Master Class: Awarding and Managing Concession Contracts using Directive 2014/23/EC, Maastricht 09/10, EIPA, June 2016
  • Procuring transport services, vehicles and other services for the local and regional transport network pursuant to the new procurement law regiment, conference on development, tendering and procurement of suburban and tram railway systems, Breidenbach & Frost, 5-6 April 2016
  • Lecture at the 7th K&L Gates Rail and Infrastructure Finance Conference: procurement of transport services and vehicles pursuant to the new procurement law regiment, 12 November 2015
  • “Public procurement sanctions and self-cleansing: current practice and the future corruption database” (Vergabesanktionen und Selbstreinigung: Aktuelle Praxis und das künftige Korruptionsregister), BUJ KartR Summit, 2014
  • “Strategic public procurement: opportunities, risks, implementation“ (Strategisches Beschaffungswesen: Chancen, Risiken, Umsetzung), Wegweiser Media & Conferences GmbH Berlin, 16th Procurement Conference, 2014
  • Speaker at various Euroforum events, e.g. key focus procurement law 2012: “The end of distinguishing between suitability and award criteria?” (Kein Mehr an Eignung – das Ende der Trennung zwischen Eignungs- und Zuschlagskriterien?) and 2011: “Admission or admissibility and evaluation of alternative tenders” (Zulassung bzw. Zulässigkeit und Wertung von Nebenangeboten)
  • In-house workshops on antitrust and procurement law and compliance trainings for companies, for example recently for an international telecommunications company
Additional Thought Leadership Pages

Dr. Mutschler-Siebert is, inter alia, the author of the "Beck’s Manual of Public Procurement Law" (Beck'sches Handbuch des Vergaberechts), the "Juris- Practical Commentary on Public Procurement Law" (Juris- Praxiskommentar Vergaberecht), the "Beck’s Form Book Public Procurement Law" (Beck'sches Formularbuch Vergaberecht) and the "Beck’s PPP-Manual" (Beck‘sches PPP-Handbuch) as well as the "BeckOK Public Procurement Law" (BeckOK Vergaberecht) and the report on "PPP in public building construction" (PPP im öffentlichen Hochbau) commissioned by the Federal Government

Additional News & Event Pages
  • Mentioned, “Global war einmal” (Ohne Investitionskontrolle geht heute fast nichts mehr bei grenzüberschreitenden M&A-Deals. Darauf haben sich Kanzleien eingestellt und Know-how aufgebaut: Das sind die führenden Köpfe für FDI (Today, almost nothing works in cross-border M&A deals without investment control. Law firms have adapted to this and built up expertise: These are the leading minds for FDI)), JUVE-Rechtsmarkt by Richter, K., pp. 54, July 2024
  • Quoted, “Negotiation strategies - when both sides benefit,” Anwalts Blatt (Germany), 24 October 2023
  • Mentioned, “The rule of law has proven itself in the crisis,”, 18 January 2023
  • Mentioned, "K&L Gates and Legance in the agreement between Koenig & Bauer and Celmacch,", 22 July 2022
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